Has HST changed at all in its 7 years?


Seeing as HST is based on scientific research, has any new research come out in the last 7 years that has caused you too tweak HST or are you even waiting on specific research to come out so you can tweak something then? You have said in one of the FAQ's that HST is not perfect, it has just been designed with the mindset to make most people understand it easily.

I had a university educated (human movements) personal trainer that showed me how to do the main lifts properly. He also had me on a program that was very similar to HST, I'll explain....

It was a 3 day full body routine exactly like HST is. He even told me to take 2 weeks off when gains stalled (which is SDing, but he didn't explain to me why he was doing all of this at the time).

First the workout reps per set were:


Sets for each exercise were 4.

The weight was cycled to progressively increase towards the end of the cycle.

Then the exercises were:


Squats (narrow stance)
Bench Press (set of push ups in between)
Chin-ups (Wide-Grip)
2 x 20 second negative chin-ups
Barbell Bent Row
Lateral Raises

Then 3 different core exercises to finish off mostly with a swiss ball (e.g. ab plank, swiss ball crunches, roman chair)


Dumbbell Bench Press
Incline Bench Press
Chin-ups (Reverse Grip)
2 x 20 second negative chin-ups
One Arm Row
Military Press
3 core exercises again (different ones from Monday)

Squats (wide stance)
Split Squats
Bench Press
Chin-ups (narrow grip)
2 x 20 second negative chin-ups
Seated Press
3 core exercises (different ones from Wednesday)

Eventually we added isolation exercises like ezy-bar curls and skullcrushers to the end of the workout but this made it like a 1.5 hour workout which killed me. I did get good gains from this, but I think HST works just as well if not better. It was just good to see a trainer doing the right thing for once.