Have you ever tried?

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I truly feel for you man... I'm sorry that the truth hurts your ego, maybe you should run home to mommy - she could "kiss it better" for you.
Dark Master,

The pink outfit really suits you. I guess you're a Star Wars fanatic, and probably in your late 40's? Hang in their buddy, i'm sure you'll lose your virginity one day.
Ya got me
Hey Dark Master,

I was waiting for a good comeback. I hope you didn't take my comments seriously, i was just trash talking. Sorry if you took it seriously.
No - my Mom caught me on the computer and after seeing the picture of me (or was it you? I can't remember anything after we dropped acid at the gaybar) out in public:- sent me to my room.

I got my own back though - polishing my helmet for over an hour...  Allll riiiight  
Hey Lol,

Are you done SDing yet? let me know if you still want to try BYB.
(gspartan @ Dec. 05 2009,1:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">By the way, i finished week 3, and it feels awesome.</div>
Great pumps, brah?
Hi Mikeynov,

You have no idea. Lol is going to give the program a shot in January. I'm sure he will love it and hopefully let everyone on here know how good/powerful a program it is.
And if that happens, he will forward it to all his friends for free on the forum here so we all can get big and strong.  
The article on t-nation pretty much completely explains 5/3/1. There are also three threads of 5/3/1 questions.
Right. Well, I had started on the Tnation thread, but it was more conversation than function and had given that up. One of my best friends in here sent me the template last nite and I'll glean the program from that - I allready have questions but will study his log first.
Nevermind. I just read the T-Nation article. 5/3/1 incorporates many of the basic tenets of HST although not specifically endorsing a true strategic deconditioning, rather an &quot;unloading&quot; week. Probably useful as a safer program for strength development than most balls-to-the-wall low reps, maximum weight programs. It is interesting how the program sneaks in extra volume at higher reps on days you are &quot;concentrating&quot; on a different body part. I may give it a try. I would be interested in other peoples' views or results on it.
I thought 5/3/1 was a great program. I like the short cycle lengths. All the good lifting principles are in there (eg. sub-max lifting, decent frequency [2+ times /week per muscle group], focus on major compounds, progress load over time, deload, goal/PR oriented) and Mr. Wendler spells things out clearly enough that pretty much any lifter wanting to get bigger and stronger has a good chance of success. It's quite like a 'simplify &amp; win' routine but with emphasis placed on going all-out on just one major compound each session (still avoiding failure, but as big Jim says, &quot;it should take some life out of you!&quot;) and then, depending on your lifting goals, adding in assorted higher-rep accessory work as desired (there's good advice on this too).

There's plenty of helpful advice included on the 'big four' along with a range of accessory lifts along with ready-made templates to work from if you don't want to create your own. Add to that that it's written with a good dose of humour (well, it made me laugh) and you have a worthwhile purchase.

Personally, I don't think you're likely to make better gains in size and/or strength with 5/3/1 over a well planned out HST cycle, esp. if you go to triples or negatives for some strength work at the end of your HST cycle. However, 5/3/1's shorter cycle lengths can often be a useful way to schedule your training over the course of a busy year and the general change in set-up can be be very refreshing, so it gets a big thumbs up from me. I'll definitely be going back to it from time to time.
I found 5/3/1 to be a great alternative to HST--all the principles are essentially the same, except that the big lifts are not done as frequently as with HST, and there is a bigger focus on using submax loads for sets.

No doubt, one of the hardest things for many lifters to learn is how to choose proper training volume and loads. Wendler teaches that you don't have to be lifting 10 sets of your 3RM every other day in order to make solid progress. His book contains several testimonials that support this concept. Wendler's book lays out the program, the proper amount of volume, and explains how to select training loads.

Wendler also demonstrates the value in dropping back all of one's maxes and working back up again. His discussion on this point had such an influence on me that I have reduced all of my maxes for my current HST cycle, and am now working my way back up again.

Wendler's 5/3/1 is a great book that should definitely be included in one's lifting library.
I've never tried 5/3/1 or heard of it. But build your bod after about 4 weeks is the best program i've ever tried.