Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and just about to start my first cycle of HST. I've been reading up on it a lot and really believe in its program and loading the muscles 3 times a week instead of once a week like a lot of other program's. just needing some advice. My physique is well I weigh 145 pounds, male, and believe my body fat is about 21%, maybe 19% if I was gona be generous. I really want to lower my body fat down to atleast 13% before I start to go into a calorie surplus and bulk up ( just because all my fat is in my belly area and I hate the way I look). I realize that I will look even skinner when I do but just really hate having a wheat belly physique. So my question is I've researched and found the 2 workouts a day 6 days a week would be the best for my metabolism with weights at night and HIIT in the morning. Has anyone got a good HST program that they know that I can follow that will suit my needs. Sorry to ask but I've been doing so much research and hear so many different things that I'm really confused. Thanks for ur help and if u require any more info just ask. Thanks again