How Do You Even Gain Strength On Hst?


New Member
I've read that it's good for size and strength gains. But lookie here.

Basically, you test your 15RM for an exercise. Say it's 185 for bench press. Then for the 15RM 2-week block (3 workouts a week, 2*3 = 6 workouts in 2 weeks), you slowly increase to it. Say you pick a 10 lb increment.


- Workout 1: 135
- Workout 2: 145
- Workout 3: 155
- Workout 4: 165
- Workout 5: 175
- Workout 6: 185

And according to the this page, you're supposed to have 1 set of 15.

So your 15RM before the routine is 185 and you're working up to a 15RM of...185 again. So how are you getting stronger?
An over simplification of the matter is that a submaximal weight is still effective for stimulating a growth response, then at the end of the cycle when you re-test your maxes you will find you have made some gains and your next cycle will incorporate your new maxes. Along with a strategic deconditioning, over time you grow without plateauing.
This has been covered approximately 657 times in the past. Use the search function. Or read the HST articles.
An over simplification of the matter is that a submaximal weight is still effective for stimulating a growth response, then at the end of the cycle when you re-test your maxes you will find you have made some gains and your next cycle will incorporate your new maxes. Along with a strategic deconditioning, over time you grow without plateauing.
Okay thanks, that kinda makes sense.

This has been covered approximately 657 times in the past. Use the search function. Or read the HST articles.
Searched and couldn't find it.