How Does One Calculate The Decrements In A Push Up?


New Member
I'm new to this HST stuff ... I'm wondering how does one calculate Chin-Ups and Push Ups for 15rm, 10rm and 5rm?
For chins and dips, include bodyweight and the load you are adding. Use an assistance machine to be able to use loads lower than bodyweight.
I picked up a weight belt that allows you to hang a weight from your hips. I think I can probably load 70lbs on it (way more than is effective for training for me) and it was pretty cheap.
I picked up a weight belt that allows you to hang a weight from your hips. I think I can probably load 70lbs on it (way more than is effective for training for me) and it was pretty cheap.
Ditto, recently added 47.5kgs to my belt only problem is it digs in (cheapish belt) imagine it will take more (it is going to have to sooner or later so it had better take more)
Weight vests are the ideal investment for BW exercises IMO. Having said that, they obviously cost more than the cost of putting a DB b/t exercises or plate on a chain/back etc.