How Long Should Deconditioning Period Be After Negatives?


New Member

I have done a wonderful cycle with 2-3 weeks (didn't really keep track of date) of negative training (2-3 sets per excercise) at 115 % of 1RM.. After this i have recorded my new maxes (1ste for 5RM, second for 10RM and last for 15RM).. Now i am wondering, because i didn't lift heavy anymore.. So my muscles are conditioned at 115 % of 1RM right?
Do i really need to do 12+ days of deconditioning? Tomorrow is my 9th day (+ like 6-7 days where i recorded my new maxes), should this be enough? Really sick of not training (feel like i'm losing gains) so i want to begin! Can i?

Thanks in advance!
I just extend the 5s and push for new rep maxes as train at home alone so negatives are not really an option or go DUP and push for new rep maxes in 15s, 10s and 5s
mickc19training post: 251371 said:
I just extend the 5s and push for new rep maxes as train at home alone so negatives are not really an option or go DUP and push for new rep maxes in 15s, 10s and 5s
Ok thank's i'm training at home too