How much more muscle can you build per month if you manage to max out testosterone?


New Member
Within the range of what is considered normal, I am not quite at the middle (I am 20 years old). I believe the laboratory is using the Tanner scale which goes from 2.8-8 nannograms per milliliter of blood.

I am doing HST (Hypertrophy Specific Training = 3x full body workouts), eating a good surplus of food and I am gaining muscle.

I heard you could at the beginning gain a max of about 1kg of lean muscle mass per month. How much would this rate be affected if you maxed out your testo levels naturally?
Thanks to pro bodybuilders we know that high test levels have a considerable effect, however their steroid cycles include levels which are 5x the natural max I believe.

Before diving into all the nutrition hacks for maxing out testo, I was wondering if it makes such a huge difference; or is the difference merely what I would gain in, say an extra month of training?

Many thanks :)

At your age and being mid range, I would not recommend fooling with your body chemically. Your gains should and will come from a caloric excess of the proper food. And, you are not limited to 1 kg per month. That's rubbish.
At 20 years of age, you are not going to be able to effect your natural test levels to any noticeable degree unless you supplement with steroids. And as O&G said, if you are a beginner, you can most likely gain more than a mere 1kg of lean mass a month.