How much muscle?


New Member
I'm not expecting to put on 20lbs of muscle in a month, just after a very general guide for something to aim for or expect.

Why? well I think if I knew how much to expect,1 to 2 lbs a month?, what ever it is, then I can just accept it and will have a rough idea of how long it will take to reach my goals.

So the big question (two actually):
1) How much muscle can you put on in a month?
2) Is muscle gain equal to fat gain? (read something about p:ratio...?)

I read an article on T-Nation website sating it was around 2lbs per month or 0.5lbs per week, but then I read a post on here about the partitioning ratio or p:ratio... so would that mean you could aim for say 3/4lbs gain of WEIGHT, which would consist of around say 1.5/2lbs of muscle and the same of fat?

Like I say, not expecting huge amounts and I know it varies and also is effected by diet, time training, age etc. But in general, assuming your using the HST principles and have a good diet, how much muscle and weight could you aim to put on each month?

I'm 160lbs at 10%BF, my goal is around 190lbs at 8%BF (I'm 6"2 so tall and skinny right now), so that's about 30lbs of muscle to put on... I read in an article by Bryan that his conservative estimate that a natural could put on would be about 30-40lbs... but he didn't mention how long or how much per month...
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It depends....I gained 20lbs over the summer but that was because I could eat whenever and sleep whenever. Once school started back up I didn't gain too much because lack of time. It just depends.
i aim to gain 1lb per week, my experience with a 99% clean diet is that i gain around 40% muscle, 50% fat and 10% is water weight gain.
Thats wating about 500 calories over maintenance with macros of 40% Carbs, 40% Protein and 20% fat
Really awesome read for specially those who want to gain weight and muscles,...Its great for me to gain my biceps size,...