HST & Cardio Type


New Member
Looking to cut fat by keeping my calorie intake as is (1800 -1900 cals) and introduce 3 structured cardio sessions a week. Veering towards incline treadmill work on off days for 40 minutes or so.Currently at 9 percent bf with fifteen weeks to a contest , would much prefer to lean out now with added cardio rather than keep cutting calories. Anybody experienced this setup and what would your thoughts be?

To lose weight you need long cardio sessions and 40 minutes is a good range. To build up the heart, shorter cardio sessions (20 minutes) appear to be sufficient.

Whether cardio is better than diet restriction in preparing for a contest is not something I know anything about. There have probably been studies that on that but I have never read them. My guess would be that some sort of combination would be best along with heavy weights and low reps to maintain as much muscle as possible. It looks like you have already cut your caloric intake.

Good luck in the contest!

O&G :cool:
Not many guys here have experience getting below 9%. But from what I've read, cardio sessions can really help. I wouldn't go over 30 minutes though, since I assume you want to keep as much muscle as possible. Long cardio sessions on top of caloric restriction is great recipe for lean mass loss.
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After some tweaking and groaning I'm settled on the following setup

Mon & Fri
Leg Press - Calf Press - SLDL - Lat Pulls - Machine Press - Seated Rows - Tri Pushdowns - Arm Curls

Tue - Thurs - Sat
HIIT Stationary Bike (building up the time under duress each week) - Abs - Shoulder Rehab

Squats - Calf Raise - Shrugs - Flat Flies -Lat Pulls - Seated Rows - Skullcrushers - Preachers
Thanks Tot , I've been reading quite a lot by Lyle and indeed Pasquale- the stubborn fat solution is kind of in the background as something I can phase into with this current diet tbh . Metabolic slowdown through age and a sustained period of dieting have ensured little wiggle room at present , I'm hoping the addon cardio sessions will dispel another couple of pounds in the next number of weeks. After that I'm looking at hitting sub 100 grams carbs for sure and increasing protein by whatever amount of carbs I reduce. Conditioning is the end all be all nowadays so all options are under consideration to get there. I'll reduce carbs once things stall out on the present plan ,hoping to get the max amount of benefit from small reductions in carbs for as long as possible.
The rapid fat loss setup is also something I can look at but only as a once off , but it's a viable once off if need be.