HST & Cardio


New Member
Hey, in training with HST, which cardio exercise is best recommended for off days (mine are T-TH-SA). I like doing 15 min on a recumbent bike and eliptical machine.

Feedack, please...
It's up to you, but it is good to see you are going to do your cardio on off days. I would recommend some HIIT (interval training) on a treadmill or track.
I hear good things about HIIT also. Hey Colby, do you have some sort of source for establishing a good HIIT routine? I have just been following the attached image. I got it from T Nation, I believe.
Thanks for the reply, Colby...

From reading your reply, it sounds like you don't recommend warming up w/cardio (8-10min) before starting a HST workout. Is that true? The most I normally do before I lift is about 15min max, and I don't do any once my workout is done.
I would still recommend a warmup on the treadmill or something.. just enough to break a sweat. Hell, my warmup is nearly a mile run to the gym.

CC, I don't have any resources oh HIIT, it's really up to you... when I did it more in the summer, I would do a minute going 6mph, the next minute 6.5, the next back down to 6, the next minute up to 7, and so forth up till like 11.5 mph.
