HST:CRE question

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how many servings are there in there in a jar of the HS:CRE? was considering ordering some, but there was also some EAS Creatine conveniently available w/o wait at walmart for about $15 for 20 servings (5.25g creatine monohydrate per scoop/serving) so just doin some price comparison between those two
$15 for 20 servings? Jeeze.

Personally, i use AtLargeNutriton.com's products. Creatine wise i'd say it's probably just as good as any other pure creatine product. I know they use German Creapure, which from what i know is top notch. I believe it was around $20 for 500grams or something, which is 100 servings. I'm not sure what HSN's creatine is priced at so i'm not going to compare. But $15 for 20 servings at 5grams per serving is not very good.
HS:CRE has about 300 grams in a jar which comes to about 60 servings per jar at 5g a serving.
I gained 25 lbs of muscle using HS:CRE!!!! Just kidding. I do use it though. For the money, it is the best deal. Good quality as well.