HST on 2 days only?


New Member
I have not worked out for a few months now (some injuries)

But now I am feeling better, I would like to start HST again.

But I am traveling for work, and the hotel we have to stay in has a lousy gym. (3 treadmills, dumbbells up to 10lbs)

Theres nothing else around, also we get out of work late.

I can do cardio, Mon-Thurs.

When I get home Friday, I might not have enough time to get to the gym before it closes.

So that leaves Saturday and Sunday.

How should I incorporate HST into these 2 days?

In the past when I did HST, I did it every other day, then took 2 days off at the end of each mini cycle (15s, 10s, 5s)

I will take a stabb...not sure if this will be the BEST HST routine but it will be routine need b/c what I am going to recommend may not be true HST but here goes.

Saturday Compound movements Heavy

Dumbell bench press 5 sets Heavy
Bent over rows 5 sets Heavy
Shoulder Press 5 sets Heavy
Squats 5 sets Heavy

Sunday Compound movements high reps day

Dumbell bench press 1 sets 20 reps
Dumbell Flys or pec dec 2 sets of 20 reps
Rows 3 sets of 20 reps
Shoulder press 1 set of 20 reps
Lat raise 2 sets of 20 reps
Squats 2 sets of 20 reps

Again nothing like HST so the experst might chime in here with a better program. But the way i see it if those are the only days you can workout then hit the weights hard on Saturday and then flush them with high rep burn sets on Sunday to get the nutrients in the muscle to start repairing.

Now I know there are way better 2 day work programs than this one but given they are on back to back days this is what I recommend. The only thing you could do different is maybe do even more volume per muscle group and then spread the body up over those two days into like upper and lower!

Well my 2 cents it will be interesting to see what others think!

Let me know if you try this routine and how if feels!

Joe :D