
New Member
Okay guys ive looked for a long time trying to find a answer to this question and have made this account hoping someone can please help me. Maybe its been asked before but I have looked and have had no luck. Here is my post from BB.com


I am looking into trying HST. The program seems like its worth trying however their is one part of it I dont understand. I hope you are able to follow me on this since its a difficult question for me to ask.

For example, say my 15 RM for bench is 200lbs. My routine would look like this,

Day 1- 2x15 175lbs
Day 2-2x15 180lbs
Day3-2x15 185lbs.
Day4-2x15 190lbs
Day 5-2x15 195lbs
Day 6-2x15 200lbs????? Why is day 6 not 5-10 lbs heavier than my 15 RM? All I am doing is lifting the same amount of weight I used to.

MY QUESTION IS. If I am only working up to my CURRENT max weight for a particular rep range and not surpassing is, how am I getting stronger? Every macro cycle all you do is work UP your 15,10 or 5 RM but you never surpass it? Am I supposed to after 8 weeks use slightly higher weight when I start over? I dont understand how I am supposed to get stronger if im never surpassing my max weight. I hope to god someone can understand what Im talking about here im totally lost.
Extend your rep Max as much as possible in the post 5-s and this will give you your new rep maxes.

I had the same question as well when starting HST, but now that I'm in the post 5-s I'm beating previous rep maxes.

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Thats why you decondition yourself before you start a cycle. The SD allows you to use a lesser load and still cause enough microtrauma for hypertrophy. If(and when) you get stronger through the cycle you should try pushing out more reps on the last day of each mini-cycle. You may find that you can do one or two extra reps at the end of each mini-cycle. Then once you´ve finished the 5´s you CAN try to extend your 5 RM´s, which should give you new RM´s to work towards the next cycle. Rinse and repeat.
So do i try to increase my 15,10 and 5 rm if i am able to at the end of each mini cycle? From what i understand this program allows u to develop hypertrophy from mechanical load and time under tension not neccesarily progressive overload? Would it be a bad idea to every 5 day aim for a +5-10 lbs heavier than my current 15,10 or 5 then after 8 weeks take SD and repeat with new maxes. What im asking is of i feel i can break my max on day six can i go for it?
It may help if the link to the ebook with a request/invitation to read before you go further is posted on the site.

If I had admin powers, I would definitely do that. As a moderator, the best I can do is make a sticky thread... which a lot of people do read but some don't see it.
So do i try to increase my 15,10 and 5 rm if i am able to at the end of each mini cycle? From what i understand this program allows u to develop hypertrophy from mechanical load and time under tension not neccesarily progressive overload? Would it be a bad idea to every 5 day aim for a +5-10 lbs heavier than my current 15,10 or 5 then after 8 weeks take SD and repeat with new maxes. What im asking is of i feel i can break my max on day six can i go for it?


Don't screw up your progression by pushing for new maxes during the 15s and 10s. It's pointless during the 15s anyway and with the 10s, all you are accomplishing is bringing yourself closer to RBE so that the beginning 5s will be less effective. Save pushing for new maxes for the end of the 5s and do it as described in the Ebook. You will end up finding new 5 RMs for everything by doing this and can extend your cycle for many weeks by doing so.
So i try and move up in weight only on my 5 RM? Then if i move up in weight those become my new maxes for the next cycle.
Today, 07:00 PM #10 msm1771
Junior Member

Join Date
Nov 2013

So i try and move up in weight only on my 5 RM? Then if i move up in weight those become my new maxes for the next cycle? It should never last more than 8 weeks right?
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Because lifting to failure isn't good. Always lift a percent of a given RM (15RM, 10RM or whatever).

By the time you hit workout 6 you should be stronger, so really workout 6 won't be your RM anyway.