Ill and wana know why


New Member
Right nearly died yesterday (well it felt like it) and I’m trying to eliminate variables to find out what caused it.
First the storey, then the variables.
Went to the gym for a bit of cardio and I was absolutely nakerd, thought nothing of it.
Was super sunny.
Went to town with a friend, had a meal and one and a half vodka and cokes (that’s nothing I can take my ale [incidentally I’m not trying to sound cool, it’s relavant in a minute]).
Started feeling really weak, even my bones started hurting.
Sat in the sun for an hour or two.
Started walking home, felt like I was going to pass out, everything was hurting, had a headache.
Went straight to bed, could hardly move. Felt like the worst hangover ever except I’d only had a small drink and hadn’t been asleep. Had bad indigestion, my kidneys were and are still are hurting + I was freezing and roasting at the same time.
After a small sleep, I woke up, still couldn’t move, until I had to throw up everything I’ve ever eaten. Got little sleep, feel a bit better this morning. Kidneys still hurting and feel super weak (probably because I haven’t eatn for 20hrs).
Right, now the variables.
1. The one that I’m hoping you guys can help me with is Kaffiene Kick, a supplement I bought last week. Here are the details……
You’ve got to bare in mind I used to have creatine regularly with no ill effects, but have had a year without it. Also I never have caffeine (I don’t drink coffee and very rarely have a fizzy drink), that was one of the reasons for buying the stuff, to see if I was missing out.
I’ve felt the creatine working and I’ve had to drink litres of water this week.
2. I got a bit sunburnt yesterday, was super hot, but to be honest I’m fairly dark skinned and would doubt 3hours of British sun would damage me. But my mummy rekons it’s a possibility.
3. Food poisoning (I ate out), cant really see it though because a friend had the same food and was fine.
4.Just some virus.
Anything would be helpful, but I really want to know whether the Kaffiene Kick is worth risking? I looked on the web and one idea is that the creatine and a workout both exhausted and dehydrated me and therefore made mild sunstroke more likely???
Lol, takes two weeks to get an appointment by myn, so by the time you get it either all of the sypmtoms are gone or your dead.
Quite a clever way of narrowing the wrok for GPs.
+A doctor will have less knowledge of creatine and caffeine than some of the users of this site. Therefore asking you wherther you know anything???
Hmmm...well, consider these things and see if it fits.
Caffeine = diuretic
alcohol = diuretic
exercise = perspiration
hot sun = perspiration
creatine = increased need for H2O
All these factors will no doubt add up and amplify each other, leading to severe dehydration, which could explain some of your problems.  Some of your symptoms sound like they were caused by a virus, but I am not a renal specialist, so could be caused by the strain put on your kidneys from the dehydration and concurrent creatine use.
Cardio knackered you....and you have thermostasis I'm going to go with some dehydration and some sort of infection (prob. viral).

Vomiting is a common symptom of heat stroke, and as BIZ mentioned you were likely passing a lot of water.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]2. I got a bit sunburnt yesterday, was super hot, but to be honest I’m fairly dark skinned and would doubt 3hours of British sun would damage me. But my mummy rekons it’s a possibility.

Sunburn (or lack there of) isn't a sign of dehydration though.