Intermittent/Chronic Stretching: how should I apply it in training?


New Member
I've read the studies/articles and the interpretations of the findings, except no recommendations as to how you should use it in training... which I understand since it's no concern for researchers.

Say after a couple of HST cycles, I did my best to use the principles of HST appropriately to fit a more strength-based program and I wanted to try intermittent stretching, where do I begin in frequency and application?

Would Dante's Extreme Stretching count as a chronic stretch? (they're chronic stretches by nature, except they would go after all of the lifting, so perhaps not as sudden). How far apart should stretches be before the chornic stimulus is re-applied? How long should I stretch per day? Is it better it occurs all at once? And should stretching be included in strategic deconditioning?

Lots of questions! I'd rather not use my own logic to figure this out since there's likely to be lots of physiological factors that I'm unaware of, causing my own practices to be counterproductive

I'm also wondering whether set/rep schemes like heavy 6x3s (except no hitting failure) are more neurally taxing than 3x8? Because I'd like to tweak HST after a couple of cycles for strength
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