Intermittent Fasting and HST


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I'm a bit out of the loop on the developments with Intermittent Fasting, so I figured I'd make a topic discussing what I'm considering for my cut when I finally begin it.  I'm still hovering around 230 lbs and really want to hit at least 240 lbs before I begin cutting, so it could be a bit still.

Back when I was still reading a lot about it, standard IF was a 16 hour fast followed by an 8 hour feeding.  I'm considering something a bit different.  I want to try longer fasting and feeding times.  What I'm considering is basically a 24 hour feed/24 hour fast.
Here is the way I would do it.  Layout a fairly standard HST cycle without the 15s, so starting with the 10s.  Work out MWF or whatever, probably Sun, Tue, Thurs since that works better for me.  I will break my fast to coincide with my workout, then feed for 24 hours after the workout.  Once I hit the 24 hour mark, I will begin to fast again until my next workout.
The tricky thing is that I need to get enough calories to keep my fairly close to maintenance within this period.  This will be tricky because I have to work out in the evening, so I'll actually have a bit of a fast inserted into my feeding time while I am sleeping.  I need about 3500 calories to maintain, so I'm estimating that I should get in about 6000 calories during the feeding period, then obviously 0 calories during the fast.  I'm thinking this will give me an average of a 500 daily calorie deficit.  Weekends will be simply eating normally but at maintenance.

The workout itself isn't important, as it's all pretty obvious stuff.  I gained just over an inch on my legs that I don't really care about during my bulk, and I plan to do cardio on some workout days, so I'm going to keep the leg work a bit easy.  If all muscle mass in the legs isn't maintained, it won't be a big deal but I highly doubt I'll lose anything anyway since my legs don't seem to want to shrink even if I starve myself. But otherwise it will all be sensible stuff that you would expect during a cut.

I'm not aware as to whether anyone has tried a 24/24 approach to IF yet.  Anyone know anything or have any feedback about this kind of an approach?

For what it's worth, I'll be taking an EC stack during this time as well.