16 exercises is definitely a lot. Why do you feel the need to target different heads of the triceps? I would focus on building some strength and size in those areas first and only if you find that you are getting an imbalance, then you may have to correct but odds are they won't grow imbalanced unless you have screwy genetics or bad form on your lifts.
I feel this way about the pecs and delts(my bad - my tricep move engages the long and short heads) because I read up on negative consequences from other BB's on bodybuilding.com and the like from doing too many flat benches and ruining shoulders, or having poor posture due to overly developed anterior deltoids, etc.
It may be because they DO have bad form, but I also want to equally develop the different heads by using exercises based which portion they engage the most. Would it be enough for deltoids to just use Posterior raises and Shoulder presses?
How many reps am I doing for each exercise up until the 6th day(which I've read is maxes)?
What if the weights available at the gym don't allow for certain increments?
Say I'm doing delt work and I can only use DB's under 20lbs. How would I use weights for this in increments if my gym only moves up in 5's?
Actually, I compared my routine with the sample one on the homepage and I end up doing an equal amount of sets(20/day) I'm going to use the full body method and I anticipate it'll take me about an hour and twenty each day in the gym. 15 for warm up(low rep pyramid style @ 2sets each), 30 total for routine, and 35 minutes waiting time in between sets.
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