agree a true RPE of 6 won't even recruit all the fibers, let alone get enough activation on them.
RPE 6 just ‘feels’ low to me. Doesn’t need to be 9 or -10, but I’d be thinking that 7.5ish space.
Following 12 weeks of training, the control group (who trained to failure) ended up completing more repetitions per set, training volume, time under tension, and rated higher levels of exertion than those in the RS and SSC groups. Despite this, actual adaptations between the groups were comparable. One-repetition maximum strength increased 30.5%, along with isometric maximal voluntary contraction of the elbow flexors (13.3%) over the 12 weeks, with no differences between the groups. Similarly, alterations in elbow flexor cross-sectional area were not different between groups. To make a long story short, training to failure meant completing more work for a comparable amount of growth
It would be premature to suggest that concentric failure is required to “equate” motor unit demands across varying training parameters. While EMG data isn’t necessarily directly reflective of motor unit recruitment, Sundstrup et al (26) demonstrated that normalized EMG signals plateaued approximately 3-5 repetitions before the onset of concentric failure. This indicates that training to failure may not be necessary to “equate” motor unit activity across training conditions.
I think this whole thing is a case where models can be useful without being strictly true. I think most people would agree that you need to a) recruit all or most MUs and b) induce some meaningful amount of local fatigue (i.e. not just doing 1RMs) if you want to maximize hypertrophy. Beyond that, you're just trying to come up with a model that more-or-less matches the experimental findings we have. I think the idea of "effective reps" puts you in the right direction, but it doesn't fit all the evidence we have (in Helms' dissertation study, growth was pretty similar between two groups stopping each set different distances from failure; in a recent study by Carroll et al out of ETSU, a group stopping further from failure grew substantially more than a group reaching failure each session. Then there's that old Sampson paper where growth was similar between failure and ~2 reps shy of failure). And then there's also the issue of model fitting - are we sure the hypertrophy we're seeing in the research is the hypertrophy we "should" be seeing? Do we see more growth with failure in a lot of studies simply because the subjects have more local edema? Is there possibly more sarcoplasmic hypertrophy going on with failure training (that's never been studied)?
I personally don't think we're yet at a point where we know enough to have too much confidence in any specific predictive model being "true," but effective reps isn't necessarily a bad lense to look through.
A little more on this topic if people want to do some reading.
This article is pretty good, and makes the case of the emerging research on not to failure vs. failure, though does note that there is some conflicting research, here. Though as per the other studies I'll cite below, the trend is definitely towards not to failure probably being fine if the RPE is high enough. Unfortunately this is now a little old and I hope Greg updates it at some point.
Some select quotes:
Then take a gander at this post by Greg Nuckols:
The usual study cited in failure vs. not failure is the Sampson et al paper, which I think is where the original RPE ~8 figure is coming from, as they compared sets of 4 vs. 6 between groups:
I think the Helms dissertation research was with Zourdos, and refers to this:
That's a really, really good read on Reps in Reserve in general. The discussion around the prescription of sets of 8 for hypertrophy at 70% 1 RM is pretty illuminating in terms of variations and the sorts of RPE/RIR they're aiming for. In this case, trying to get as many people as possible in the RPE ~6-8 range (RIR 2-4).
The Carroll et. al. study Greg references is this:
This one is a little more confusing in terms of just what the percentages correspond to as per their own charts, but the idea here was training substantially shy of failure here actually produced better results than literal failure.
But yah, the above I think are the best resources I've come across on this topic literature-wise. There are obviously hurdles in general when trying to use RPE/RIR when estimating useful hypertrophy sets, but I do think we can make some statements if we just make the assumption the assessment itself is accurate:
- RPE > ~5+ should be full recruitment.
- The most cited study comparing failure vs. not to failure found comparable results at RPE 8.
- Research to me looks like it's trending towards even lower RPE maybe being comparable, too, though where the exact line is, I don't know.
- There is some indirect research showing similar underlying muscle activity once you hit RPE ~5-7.
I'm open to other ranges for prescription, of course. RPE 7 should be pretty safe, and as I said, in looking at the programming of Israetel, who's arguably one of the most knowledegable of the modern research dudes on the topic, that was his own conclusion. RPE 8 I guess would be the safest in terms of having the single best study associated with it. Other emerging research, if anything, appears to be pushing the threshold even further from true failure, though as above, even this has at least SOME conflicting data.
- Similarly, if you go looking for empirical examples of tried and true "hypertrophy work" that's not to failure, you'll probably arrive somewhere in the RPE ~5-6+ range when dealing with sets >= 5.
At a guess, conflicting data is probably related to how well people are estimating RPE in the first place, and as per the Helms and Zourdos paper, this is quite possibly a function of who the population studied is. Trained people are seemingly much better at estimating RPE/RIR, whereas novices are maybe not so good, so it'd be much harder to prescribe stuff for them based on these concepts.
So, tangent on the failure point;
Many compound exercises will reach failure due to ‘weakest link’ reaching failure. I.e lower back in squat or deadlift, anterior delts in the bench press etc. When I can’t break another deadlift rep, 99% of the time it’s nothing to do with my glutes.
How/should we be accounting for this when we consider failure? Compared to say failure a cable row or skullcrusher etc.
This is a good point. The answer is I'm not sure, and my thinking on this has even changed a bit.
As per that Menno video in my first post, in the context of something like Kaatsu, occluding the bloodflow of your quads in something like a squat ramps up metabolic activity and makes the muscle hit full recruitment comparatively earlier. But what's a bit like black magic to me, it's not just your quads that benefit, but your glutes, too. Which aren't occluded. Which basically means that we've made the quads a super weak link in the kinetic chain, right, and they fail way sooner. But as a consequence, another prime mover, the glutes, appear to experience the exact same proportionate increase in stimulation/recruitment, presumably because they're picking up the slack to a greater extent.
When watching that video it immediately occurred to me that a lot of our "weak link" arguments regarding failure might be wrong, at least from a recruitment/fatigue standpoint. To take your example, the anterior delts or triceps might fatigue first in a bench press. But what's the effect of this on chest recruitment? If it's parallel to what happens to Kaatsu, it would actually mean the chest would have to pick up the slack of the weaker links, and might receive the benefit despite them being a weak link.
To put this in a pseudo-equation, if (net bench press force) = chest (C) + shoulders (S) + triceps (T), where each letter contributes a certain amount of force, if you reduce the force potential of S or T (i.e. they're the weak link and fatigue first), and C is in a position to contribute more force via increased recruitment/rate coding, it almost by definition would have to as volitional effort increased to keep performing reps, right? So while the shoulders/triceps might be a weak link in how much you can actually lift, they wouldn't actually impede the recruitment or fatigue the chest experiences.
That said, I'm not sure it works like that. But it did occur to me that it plausibly could.
In testing this against the research, the Sampson paper is on elbow flexor exercises, so basically isolation exercises. In that context, we can say super confidently that failure would mean high fatigue of the elbow flexors. But most people apply it to compounds where, if the above logic DOESN'T hold, you're right, it throws a wrench in things. However, other emerging research (stuff that Helms cites, that Carroll paper) also shows comparable or even superior effect of not to failure training explicitly for compound movements, so my intuition is that it probably doesn't matter, and the reason it might not could be something similar to the Kaatsu logic above.
edit: added another little paragraph to better illustrate the concept.
Interesting thought-point re: recruitment of non-failing muscles in a compound lift.
I suppose another way to frame the query is; do we, and if so HOW do we distinguish between failure of a movement/repetition and muscle failure?
oh yeah your right, duh... I was thinking 6 is 60% effort..
I'm a moron lol
If rep 1 is 70% effort and rep 10 is 100%, then rep 6 would be about 88% of full effort.
Good question. I'm hoping Ron has some input here as surely someone has like, tried to measure different EMG patterns in the prime movers of an exercise as one approaches failure. That's not a perfect proxy, but it would give us some insight, I think.
On a literal level, I feel like the pseudo-equation I offered above should work in principle, right? In something like a bench press, we tend to get stuck in the midrange somewhere, several inches off the chest, when truly failing. If you took a snapshot of what's happening in the chest, (anterior) delts and triceps, what's actually happening in each? In theory, all three should be able to contribute force that causes the bar to move upwards. If the bar is now stuck, what does that mean if our volitional effort is as high as possible, i.e. we've hit legit failure?
I'm not sure it makes sense that the chest wouldn't be at full recruitment. If you're trying as volitionally hard as possible, the chest shouldn't be able to "hold back" barring something like pre-existing muscle damage or central inhibition. If the S and T components as per my equation above drop in force enough to stop the bar, and C is still capable of causing bar displacement via contraction, then we should be at full recruitment of the chest by definition.
The wonkier thing, I guess, would be the degree of fatigue. If the triceps or shoulders fatigue first, then the high threshold motor units in them would have experienced longer duration of fatigue, at least, compared to the chest, even if it does pick up the slack at the end. But the Kaatsu research makes me think this may still not matter from a stimulation perspective, otherwise Kaatsu would be better for the quads in occluded squats than the glutes, which doesn't appear to be the case.
This made me laugh for some reason. I assumed we weren't talking about the same thing RPE-wise. To be honest RPE isn't even the greatest term, and I'm not entirely sure the original usage of it even by Tuscherer matches what most people are now treating it as. I should have clarified more what I meant.
The first RPE I'm aware of related to cardiovascular exercise and was the Borg scale, 6 to 20. Weird ass scale, and was literally perception of effort, with ~15+ being "hard." There are newer scales that are just 1-10 to simplify things, and I think Tuscherer borrowed this when coming up with his original concept and applying it to lifting. At some point, people used it entirely as a metric of performance, not "how hard this is," even though that's also a reasonable thing to ask as perception of effort does relate to gross training demands, injury prevention etc. But yah, reps in reserve and RPE became effectively interchangeable, where they're just inverted. E.g. RPE 10 is RIR 0, RPE 9 is RIR 1, and RPE 0 is RIR 10. Weirdly RPE and RIR 5 mean the same thing. Incidentally and confusingly, you can have 0 or even less than 0 on an RPE scale. Like if you did 5 reps with your 30 RM, that's an RPE of
It also has other weird implications. For example, if 85 lbs is 85% of your 1 RM of 100, then the minimum RPE even possible with that weight would be 6 (1 rep with 4 reps in reserve). Picking up the weight and doing no reps at all would technically be an RPE of 5.
So yah, it's a little muddled, and the more accurate and meaningful term is probably just reps in reserve. For some reason in the lifting world, however, probably due to Mike Tuscherer's influence, a good % of the people doing this still use RPE.
The reason I'm trying to introduce these concepts is because I think it's an extremely useful tool that we can use when endeavoring to come up with a modern HST. Since relative intensity of effort is probably the most important factor in a set, it also makes sense to actually prescribe our loads based on the RPE they represent, and adjust accordingly as necessary.
Here's a link over on exodus of me fucking around with RPE tables, including a link to a little Excel calculator if you want to play around with this stuff:
Movement failure?
Failure of the movement, i.e. a deadlift, compared to failure of the muscle/s involved in that movement - i.e. erector spinae.
If I take my deadlift to failure, ‘failure’ is occurring because of my core (which is always weaker than my leg muscles or glutes), compared to taking my quads to failure on a leg extension or the glutes on a hip thrust or kickback etc.
For the logic I outlined previously with the bench, the triceps (or shoulders or whatever) are actually a prime mover. But the deadlift is an interesting example, ditto squat, because, in theory, the spinal erectors aren't (or shouldn't be) causing any actual bar displacement. For the deadlift, the movement is coming primarily from the hip extensors with a little bit of quads, and the squat obviously a lot of quads but still hip extensors (though more glutes and adductors than hamstrings).
But for either exercise, the weak link is a stabilizer. In that case, I'm not sure how my previously outlined logic would work. Like if your back gives out in a deadlift, I'm not sure what's happening to the glutes/hams. I suppose in principle they should still be at max recruitment (maybe?), though it's a question of inroad/fatigue.
Like if you took this to an extreme example, imagine having the grip as the limiting factor by forcing double overhand or using one of those thick bars. What's actually happening to the prime movers when you fail?
Just an interesting thought experiment.
Well where this makes me wonder, critically speaking, is how reliable are some of the studies if they’re examining or comparing ‘failure’, but using a compound (especially barbell, e.g. squat vs leg press) movement to failure. How trustworthy are any outcomes re: failure? Should be re-considering some of those studies as though ‘failure’ is actually just ‘more fatigued’?
Just a tangent.
Failure of the movement, i.e. a deadlift, compared to failure of the muscle/s involved in that movement - i.e. erector spinae.
If I take my deadlift to failure, ‘failure’ is occurring because of my core (which is always weaker than my leg muscles or glutes), compared to taking my quads to failure on a leg extension or the glutes on a hip thrust or kickback etc.
Well where this makes me wonder, critically speaking, is how reliable are some of the studies if they’re examining or comparing ‘failure’, but using a compound (especially barbell, e.g. squat vs leg press) movement to failure. How trustworthy are any outcomes re: failure? Should be re-considering some of those studies as though ‘failure’ is actually just ‘more fatigued’?
Just a tangent.