Just did my first ever day...


New Member
Hi all

Started HST today after my 9 day SD. I've been training for around 14 months or so and had fallen into the usual rut - not eating enough to gain much, not wanting to do deload weeks, struggling along on the same weights (going up/down here and there) and stumbled onto HST.

Worked out my maxes as best I could, took my week off, and went in today feeling all cocky thinking it would be like having a few warmups, and I'd leave without breaking a sweat ("These are comically light weights, lol" etc). Boy was I wrong. I had no idea reps 13-15 could be so incredibly painful - I really had to push through some barriers! It's probably a lot worse as I've chosen to do 2 sets of the 15s rather than 1 - which I might even regret as I couldnt quite hit 15 on the second set of flat bench (and one or two others). Even so, I can see how you could get addicted to trying to overcome the lactic acid build up...

I left with some seriously aching arms. I'm wondering if I've estimated my weights wrong, because I'm not sure I'm going to be able to increase every time. I'll have to just pack in some serious calories for the next few weeks, as I guess I'm not going to see growth without fuelling it properly.

I may struggle to keep the 60 secs between exercises rule, because my gym is often pretty busy but I can only do what the situation allows.

Anyway, I'm feeling positive about it - should be interesting seeing the results!

If you could not easily make 15 reps on your first day, drop the weight by 15-20% or so or you will not have any progression and increase your risk of injury. It is difficult to estimate 15's but you should have a good feel for your next cycle. Also, if you find that near the end of a certain rep group you have underestimated your maxes, go for slower eccentric movements to force them to become maxes. (Or a second, but less desirable, choice is to just do extra reps.)
Thanks for the feedback, I'll do that. As a caveat I should specify that I hit the 15s pretty easily in all areas on set 1 with the exception of bench which was tough. I shall drop it accordingly. But should I also be hitting the 15 easily on the 2nd set? Or should I just have stuck with 1 set as suggested by the plan?

Still, interesting isn't it! Looking forward to the next few weeks.

I think that during the 15s you should finish each workout feeling adequately worn, but not exhausted. The 15s aren't as much for hypertrophy as they are for prepping your body for the 10s and 5s. Hence it's stated here often that many drop the 15s on subsequent cycles.

If you are hitting the 2nd 15s easily, maybe that's a sign to consider upping the weight. As I remember, it's 1x15, 2x10, 3x5. Of course it's all by your body's response - some get great results with 1 set per exercise for all weeks.
Hi all

Started HST today after my 9 day SD. I've been training for around 14 months or so and had fallen into the usual rut - not eating enough to gain much, not wanting to do deload weeks, struggling along on the same weights (going up/down here and there) and stumbled onto HST.

Worked out my maxes as best I could, took my week off, and went in today feeling all cocky thinking it would be like having a few warmups, and I'd leave without breaking a sweat ("These are comically light weights, lol" etc). Boy was I wrong. I had no idea reps 13-15 could be so incredibly painful - I really had to push through some barriers! It's probably a lot worse as I've chosen to do 2 sets of the 15s rather than 1 - which I might even regret as I couldnt quite hit 15 on the second set of flat bench (and one or two others). Even so, I can see how you could get addicted to trying to overcome the lactic acid build up...

I left with some seriously aching arms. I'm wondering if I've estimated my weights wrong, because I'm not sure I'm going to be able to increase every time. I'll have to just pack in some serious calories for the next few weeks, as I guess I'm not going to see growth without fuelling it properly.

I may struggle to keep the 60 secs between exercises rule, because my gym is often pretty busy but I can only do what the situation allows.

Anyway, I'm feeling positive about it - should be interesting seeing the results!


You ain't the only one who's starting out and not lifting 200kgs every lift so don't worry. When I started out with standing Arnold presses I was using 6kg dumbbells, lol. If you find you cannot increase your weights every session, then it's ok to repeat. For example with standing Arnold presses I used to do 6kg x 15 x 2 for 2 separate sessions and then moved up to 8kg and repeated keeping the movements slow as O&G has said. I now find 1 week of 15's plenty...

I wouldn't worry too much on your first cycle, if you're eating properly then you're going to get nice gains anyways and your second/third cycles will be totally different.
The key thing in HST's program is to start with your 1st cycle see how its goo and change whatever you didnt like and felt wrong about them from your previous one. Dont worry if you didnt do properly the 15s. They are just there for prepare your self with the exercises your form and upcoming heavy weights. Good luck anyway.
I may struggle to keep the 60 secs between exercises rule, because my gym is often pretty busy but I can only do what the situation allows.

This part really isn't going to matter a whole heck of a lot. Within reason, of course.