Just got cage.  Need to use it to its fullest.


New Member
I just got a power cage, and purchased an incline bench. I also purchased an ez curl bar. So I can finally do squats and incline and decline stuff! And chins!

Previously I have been only using a flat bench DB's and BB. So I had a limited exercise choice.

I had been doing the following.

Abs Crunches
Chest BB Bench press
Back BB Rows
Bis DB curls
Quads BB deadlifts
Delts DB press
Chest DB Flyes
Hams BB Stiff legged deadlifts
Tris DB Standing ext
Calves Standing calf raises

What would you guys do/recommend given my new equipment?
I was fairly confident this item would be the best single piece of equipment I could get. I'm sure I will put on some good weight with squats as my quads are lacking. There was no way I wanted to do them without a rack as it isn't safe. I was hoping it would help with my goals to get a stronger bench so I can push myself harder at the end of a HST cycle and do some MST benchpressing.

So many more things I can do now. Just need to pick the right ones for my next routine.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Just need to pick the right ones for my next routine.</div>

Just go to Simplify and Win and pick one routine from there!
Just done squats for the first time ever. Put it to 70kg. Seemed pretty hard and hurt my upper back like hell where the bar was resting.
Squeeze your shoulderblades together and rest the bar on the meaty portion of the upper scapulae. Instant muscle pad. Eventually you wont even notice it.
So I will eventually just toughen up and it wont hurt eh?

What is the consensus on padding? For pansy's only, or commonly used?
Well i must be a pansy then
!! Seriously I find it just too uncomfortable to have that bar biting into my neck, affects my concentration whilst squatting. I actually know a guy who damaged the top of his spine from due to this, mind you he does squat scary amounts.. Whatever you find best is my opinion, doesn't matter if you pad or don't, so long as you use good form and ample weight.
My trapezius is fairly big, but nothing special. I find it to be the perfect cushion if I rest the bar just on the top portion of my traps.

My wife's traps ar tiny though and squats bother her shoulders a bit...
