(omega99 @ Jun. 15 2008,9:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(dawaro @ Jun. 11 2008,12:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">In the meantime I would suggest looking at
After reviewing squat information on Stronglifts, I think I found my problem. I was coming off my heels during the squat and, therefore, leaning forward and putting stress on the upper knees. Amazingly simple but I just missed it. I notice that I also tend to do that when I climb stairs so guess it was just a bad habit all around. Some of the other techniques mentioned helped to give me better stability so that I can stay back on my heels. I have to admit, however, that it's still no easy task for me, and holding the bar lower off the shoulders is pretty tricky.
Anyway, thanks Dawaro for the help. My last squat session was a major improvement, and I finally feel like the quads are getting a workout.</div>
Glad to be of help. I knew all the countless hours I have spent reading these books and websites would pay off one day.
Funny how something little can make such a difference. If you get a chance you should read Starting Strength. Excellent book. I was amazed at the amount of small mistakes I was making on several of the major lifts. The book is very straight forward and gives you everything you need to not only recognize but also correct form issues.