Lol's New HST Log

Tuesday 6/09/16
Midday session

LBBS (kg)
60/10, 80/5, 100/3
140/2 - belted from here on
150/1,1 @ RPE 10

Started getting pain in left leg during this session. Strange burning sensation in outside of left leg. Managed singles with 150 but they were annoyingly difficult.
Dropped load to 130 with the intention of doing sets of 5 but the pain was a little disconcerting and my head wasn't in it. Dropped to 120 and pushed through the unpleasant feeling. I'm sure it's nerve pain and nothing to do with the muscle at all even though it felt as if my left outer quad was going to burst under the pressure of driving up out of the hole.
Back did feel a bit tweaky again afterwards so decided to rest it until Friday.
Friday 9/9/16
Midday session

Sumo DL (kg)
60/10, 90/5, 110/5
130/1, 150/1, 160/1, 180/0
170/5 - straps, RPE 9
No belt throughout

180 didn't seem to budge. Dropped load to 170 and made 5 reps. I could definitely have managed an extra grinder but no point.
I may do another session later and do some deficits. Lower back was totally unbothered. Didn't even think about using a belt. Will leave squats for the weekend.
Saturday 10/09/16
Evening session

1.25" Deficit Sumo DL (kg)
60/10, 90/5, 110/3, 130/1
140/1, 150/1, 160/1, 170/1 - belt, hook grip
170/3 - belt & straps from here on

BOR (kg)

These went ok. Hams quite tired from yesterday's deads. Had to bring feet in a few inches from my usual stance due to the width of the wooden board I'm standing on.
Triple @170 was a PR for deficits.
Gotta hit 180 soon.
Sunday 11/09/16
Evening session

Floor Press (kg)
60/18, 80/10, 90/5, 100/5
105/5, 107.5/5
110/5,5,5,4 - RPE 10
Wrist wraps throughout

Dips (on kitchen units)
Bw+10 (99kg)/10
Bw+20 (109kg)/10,10
Bw (89kg)/23 + partials

5 X 110 kg is a PR for floor press.
Kitchen unit dips performed in a corner. Hands spaced a little more than shoulder-width apart.
Monday 12/09/16
Evening session

Conventional DL (kg)
Hook grip
60/5, 90/3, 110/1, 140/1
190/0 - darn

Sumo DL (kg)
Hook grip
140/1, 160/1
180/1 - PR
185/1 - PR
190/0 - next time!
180/0 - spannered, I guess

170/5 - straps
Belted throughout

Making a bit of headway with sumo. Finally over 400lbs.
Got my lad to take a vid of my 185 pull so will try to get that off him and post it here.
Funny how 180 felt nailed to the ground after the successful 185 pull. Maybe my balance was a bit off.
Tuesday 13/09/16

Lunges (kg)
60/10,10,10 - 5 each side

Thought I would add these in to the mix. Nice deep stretch.
Glutes sore from yesterday's deads – first time in a long while that it's been noticeable.
How many days are you doing lower body work?

I think recovery still needs prioritisation, especially this close to your meet.
@Jester: it's a month away now. I've just ordered the pansy-ass leotard that I have to wear to keep the IPF happy.
My silly back tweak has messed things up a bit. I haven't squatted for a week. Will have a go today.
I'm doing lower-body work four or five times a week, of varying intensity. Haven't been able to bench properly for a while either. I will step that up now as I need to ensure I get 110 for a half decent total.
I'm a bit concerned that if I back off too soon I'll decline rapidly. I seem to lose strength quickly these days.
Wednesday 14/09/16
Evening session

Paused Bench (kg)
60/10, 80/5, 90/5, 100/3
110/2 - RPE 9

Bench (kg)
105/6,5,6 - RPE 9.5
Wrist wraps, belt, O-shoes

Went over to use my bro's bench. Wasn't sure what to expect after a couple of weeks without any higher intensity benching but it went well.*
Got my bro to give me a lift-off which I think I prefer to self-lift-off.
A relatively straightforward double @ 110 is my best this year. I will now hope to get 115 by meet day. I just have to ensure I don't do anything stupid to get myself red-lighted.

*Evidently, floor press strength transfers quite well to paused bench.
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Thursday 15/09/16
Evening session

LBBS (kg)
60/10, 90/5, 110/3
130/5,3,3,3,3 - belted from here on
110/10 - met set

First heavier squats for a week or so. Back was ok but had a bit of back/pelvis pain when sitting afterwards.
Not particularly happy with my form. Knees not staying out when it gets hard.
Friday 16/09/16
Evening session

Deficit Sumo DL (kg)
60/10, 110/3, 140/3
160/1 - hook-grip; belted from here on
170/4 - straps
160/7,6 - straps

Sore legs going into this workout.
Work sets were tough. PRs for 4 x 170 and 7 x 160. Close to getting an extra rep for each.
Sunday 18/09/16
Evening session

Sumo DL (kg)
60/10, 110/5, 140/1
160/1 - hook-grip; belted from here on
190/1 - PR for sumo (418lb)
165/5,5 - straps

Floor Press (kg)
60/15, 80/10, 100/5
112.5/4,5,5 - PR
Wrist wraps

Kitchen Unit Dips (kg)
Bw@89kg (196lb)
Bw+25/10 + bw/10

Got my 10mm Toro lever belt back from a friend so will be using it from now until the comp.
Pleased I made 190. Not quick off the floor but once it started to move I knew I had it. Hook grip was fine.
Floor press and dips both went ok. Load increases for both.
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Monday 19/09/16
Evening session

LBBS (kg)
60/10, 80/6, 100/1, 120/1
140/1 - weightlifting belt from here
155/1 - RPE 9.5
140/3,3,3 - lever belt from here
Knee sleeves and wrist wraps

Feeling generally beaten up before starting this evening.
After warmups, low-back and pelvis felt okay so decided to work up to what felt like a heavy single and then back off 10% for some triples.
Tried out the Toro lever belt for the triples. No pinching so that's good.
Intended to try for 10@130 to finish up but ran out of will power.
Hopefully, I can pick my squat back up to 165 by the meet.
Wednesday 21/09/16
Late evening session

Paused Bench (kg)
60/10, 80/5
100/1, 110/1, 120/1, 125/1

Bench (kg)
110/3,4,4 @ RPE 9.5
Wrist wraps and lever belt

I was pleasantly surprised that I managed 125kg (275lb) for paused bench tonight. 120 went up fairly fast and so I thought I ought to try 125 which also went up smoothly.
Had a lift-off from my lad for all heavier reps and work sets which definitely helped me to stay tight.
Work sets @110kg went well too.
Yeah. I'm a bit surprised seeing I haven't been able to bench very consistently. Most of the work I've been doing has been floor press. Obviously this isn't ideal but I think it has proved to me that there is a good carry-over to paused bench. Recently adding in some weighted dips as an accessory seems to have had a positive effect too.
I may actually be able to hit 130 by the meet which will match my old PR. That would be sweet. Of course, meet conditions and IPF rules may make that a bit more difficult.

I hope to continue to make progress after the meet as I have always wanted a 300lb bench and a 500lb deadlift. I'll aim for a 140kg bench and 230kg DL. Sumo seems to be going ok, although I'm still a way off my all-time deadlift PR. My squat is down too so there is plenty of work still to do to get back my former lower-body strength.
Thursday 22/09/16
Late night session (~10pm)

LBBS (kg)
60/10, 80/8, 100/1, 120/1, 130/1, 140/1 - no belt
150/1 - belted from here

Lunges (kg)

Tired but decided I needed to DL or squat. Chose the slightly easier option.
Relaxed a bit during first rep of first set @ 140 and went much deeper than intended. Ended up pausing in the hole which made it much harder to stand up. Second set @ 140 went better. Didn't stay tight for final set either so racked it after a triple.
Must do better.
Friday 23/09/16
Evening session

Sumo DL (kg)
60/8, 110/5, 140/1
160/1 - hook-grip from here
180/1 - Belted from here
180/3 - hook-grip; PR triple
180/4 - straps; new 4RM; RPE 9.5
170/6 - straps; new 6RM; RPE 9.5
160/10 - straps; new 10RM; RPE 10

I have to say, I wasn't looking forward to this session. Legs sore from yesterday's squats. Right knee felt a bit tweaky.
I planned to work up to a max single first and then back off for reps at 170.
From warmups, nothing felt easy, but 180 went up ok so I figured I may as well try 200. It didn't want to budge. Nor did 195 or 190 after that.
Pretty cheesed off so figured I would try for a few reps at 180. A triple with hook grip wasn't too bad so did a follow-up set with straps and managed 4 with pretty good form. Then I figured I'd do my planned volume at 170. Got 6 solid reps so I thought I might as well try for 10 at 160 to see if I could better my 10 x 150 from a few weeks ago. Rep 10 was a grinder to lock out. Not the smartest thing to do, I know, but I got it and so that's now in the sumo PR bag.
Pity about the 200 but I am determined to get it by the meet. Will start to taper my volume down now but keep intensity up.
Sunday 25/09/16
Late evening session

LBBS (kg) (Sleeves, no belt)
Even tempo, paused
60/10, 90/5, 110/5

120, 130, 140, 150
160 @RPE 9

Work sets
20 total reps

Area of romboid/rear delt on left side has been upset since deads on Friday. In spasm and being a pain. Probably due to that last set of 10. Have been using the lacrosse ball on it during the day. Did a steady 1k row to warm it up but it was still annoyingly sore at the start of this session. No floor press tonight.
Decided to work on my keeping-knees-out problem for warmups. Steady tempo and pausing really helps me with keeping hips in coming out of the hole, which in turn helps keep knees out. I need to do this more.
No belt tonight for any sets. Knee sleeves only.
Didn't try for a double with 160 because I knew my form would suffer. Even without a belt, the lift felt good.
During work sets @140, got a bit forward on a couple of reps and went too deep on a few as well. Not good. Ended up having to pause to sort my balance out on the last rep of set 4. That was dumb but I stood up ok.
Quite pleased with how tonight's session went especially as I wasn't in the mood.
@Jester: yup. I agree.
I was planning on going for one more max deadlift attempt a couple of weeks out. I'd like to have lifted 200 before the meet. That sound ok?
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