Looking for a slow protein


New Member
After looking at the research, it seems that it would be best to use a slow protein for my morning shakes and my bedtime shakes and pretty much every shake except my pre-workout shake, right?

If true…I am trying to find the right one. Muscle Milk is very highly regarded, but is quite high in saturated fat - 8g per 2 scoops. So I was considering the Fluffy driver. I can’t seem to find the nutritional facts for the fluffy driver though and don’t know how it differs from the advanced non-fluffy driver.

Slow protein recommendations, anything else out there?

Hi Brak,

Here is the supplement facts for Fluffy Driver. Its fluffy because of the type of egg protein and calcium caseinate I used. In short, the raw materials were more "fluffy" than I had used previously. I wanted to try a different raw material supplier. Unfortunately, my bottler didn't let me sample the final mix before bottling it. As a result, I got "fluffy Driver".

I was worried that people would not like the powdery consistancy of it so I ran another lot and sold one as fluffy Driver and the other as regular Driver, this time including milk protein isolate, instantized egg albumen, and instantized calcium caseinate.
Hi Bryan,

Thank you for posting that, those ingredients look good (better than muscle milk) and if I buy from amazon the cost is the same as muscle milk.

So what do you think of the notion that my general protein suppliment should be slow, and use fast only for pre-workout?

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Brak @ Dec. 07 2004,10:25)]So what do you think of the notion that my general protein suppliment should be slow, and use fast only for pre-workout?
I agree with that. You really do want a steady supply of aminos to the muscle rather than a short spike in availability.
Thx a lot for the confirmation Bryan.

Great! So I've been doing it wrong all along, having whey shakes in the morning, before bed, etc. Why?! Because I was too much of a cheap arse to buy two kinds of protein. But in the end two 2lb. jugs of different stuff will last just as long as one 4lb. jug of whey, so I'm gonna do it.

So...maybe this forum isn't the best place to ask because of the understandable bias, but I do want opinions on what people think of Muscle Milk vs. Driver vs. any other slow protein someone might recommend.

It will be hard to find unbiased evaluations of Driver here on the forum, at least for those of us who have used it. The ingredients are top notch and the taste is great (to me). The addition of fish oils and the use of flora friendly fiber is a definite plus over competitor's "slow protein" mixes.
I haven't had it, but I've heard in a bunch of places that it's the best tasting casein powder around.
is soy isolate a slow, medium or fast protein ?

asking since it is so cheap - cheaper then whey so maybe it is good to consider it as base protein for most shakes ?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bryan Haycock @ Dec. 08 2004,5:47)]this time including milk protein isolate, instantized egg albumen, and instantized calcium caseinate.
why is it labelled as micellar then?
My Driver bottle says "calcium caseinate, milk protein isolate, micellar casein and egg albumin". Same with Plus except it say's egg whites instead of albumin.

What is albumin anyway? Is it egg whites?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ Dec. 16 2004,1:32)]What is albumin anyway? Is it egg whites?
egg albumin

The white of an egg. Also called ovalbumin.

MPI should have micellular casein in it anway, but probably mixibility issues along with that combo
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ Dec. 15 2004,4:10)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bryan Haycock @ Dec. 08 2004,5:47)]this time including milk protein isolate, instantized egg albumen, and instantized calcium caseinate.
why is it labelled as micellar then?
A different lot (batch). Not the one pictured above.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ Dec. 16 2004,12:00)]any reason you went the micellar route rather than MPI?
The only real reason was consumer demand. I personally like MPI better. Micellar is only 80-85% protein whereas MPI is 90% or more...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bryan Haycock @ Dec. 17 2004,8:15)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ Dec. 16 2004,12
0)]any reason you went the micellar route rather than MPI?
The only real reason was consumer demand. I personally like MPI better. Micellar is only 80-85% protein whereas MPI is 90% or more...
in reality they have to make a MPC before they get it over to micellar casein anyway. And casein generally has a higher water content to start with so thats probably the big part of it.

But hten with all the brainwashing that is going on with micellar, they fail to see that a properly made MPI will have casein in its natural micelles anyway.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]the only problem about slow diggesting protein is, that it is often way more expensive then whey

Costs evolve to supply and demand. There are a ton of other uses for casein, but not quite so many for whey (altho this is evolving). Whey for years was a bi-product of casein manufacture, and was basically fed to pigs or dumped.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ Dec. 16 2004,10:45)]Whey for years was a bi-product of casein manufacture, and was basically fed to pigs or dumped.
No wonder pigs are so hyoooge!