Manifesto of Ettiquette


New Member
I was asked to give my perception of gym rules that should be, as our local yuppieclub is sort of out of control, and I came up with this, primarily for the newbies:

The mystery of gym ettiquette often eludes even some who attend regularly, so here is a collection of known behaviors that make life pleasant (or not) for all members of any gym! Written by Gary, a 56 year old gym rat and powerlifter.

- One cannot "own" a machine, bench or station, but consideration is expected when you want to share. Between sets it is acceptable to ask if one may work in or how many more sets will be done before finishing (preferred).
- It is difficult to share freeweights or plate loaded machines due to the excessive reloading of plates, so usually is not done. Machines have numbers and simple pegs for instant switching. The idea is to try and accomodate one another.
- You may be asked to wait when someone is either lifting heavy, near the end of their sets, or training with others in a team.
- If weights are on a station or bar, it is considerate to ask those nearby if they are using it before you barge in and begin removing things. The member may just be getting a quick drink.
- Expect strength trainees to take 1 to 3 minutes between sets; others less.
- Single set circuit training is an old and broken gym myth that does nothing for your training and ties up machines.
-Muscles and abs give no special rights over the little guys just starting out. Gym fees are equal.

- No ogling. Fellas, it is just downright rude to gals who are here to work on their health. You may pick up girls elsewhere. It's doubtful that she was ogling you first.
- If you must talk on cellphones, please consider those nearby and the usage of equipment. The machines are not chairs.
- NEVER touch someone, their equipment, or talk to them when they are in the middle of a set unless invited.
- Some are very focused on technique, weights and their game plan. This doesn't mean that they are unfriendly if they don't want to chitchat with you. You have the same right.

Using Freeweights:
Some just don't know what to do with plates, so a guideline is as follows:
- Benches, squat racks, smith machines and the like are best left with 2 plates of each poundage and multiple 45's. This leaves a complete adjustment range for the next lifter!
- Putting larger plates in front of smaller plates on the pegs is newbie, inconsiderate, and generally bad form. Leaving them on the bars or floor is even worse. If you can lift them; you can put them back.
- Dropping dumbells often bends the grip and makes them unbalanced. It also loosens the bolts. Learn how to unload safely or use a spotter.
- If you are a spotter, pay attention and communicate with the lifter. He/she depends on you if you are there, even if it is just subconsciously.

- Be clean, or if you just got off work, use the deodorants, pleeease!
- Keep your belongings close to your machine/bench. No one wants to be tripped into steel frames.
- Wipe up your sweat. Do you want to lay in mine?
- We can't hear your ipod. You sound silly singing to it! No law against it though.
- Asking advice of others is actually complimentary when done at the right time, but it can be bothersome when they are actively working.
- Expect a little noise. It is a gym, not a spa. Make a little yourself and have some fun!
- Most of us encourage young lifters, but the gym isn't a playground, so keep your young ones focused.
Completely agree with your rules Quad. I especially like
"The machines are not chairs."

I work out at a college gym and there are always people sitting on equipment and talking on their cell phones. It's especially annoying when they are on the phone in between bench sets. I'm waiting on the equipment and he is having a conversation in between sets. It's very inconsiderate.
Every time someone takes away plates I'm using, I'm thinking of going over to Gold's. They're $20/mo. now. And they still didn't post or hand out copies of the manifesto - they're probably counting heads.
Only issue is with the ogling thing. I fully support a woman's right to work out and not be harrassed by morons. I also fully support a woman's right to wear spandex that barely covers her while working out. However if you dress like a porn star at the gym, you have no business complaining about getting that kind of attention. And I'm only speaking from experience, because I see tons of women in my gym every day dressed appropriately, and it only seems to be the ones wearing pasties and spandex 'boy' shorts with gem stone arrows pointing to their butts and crotches that complain about "ogling" or "undue attention."

So I propose an addendum to the list: dress appropriately. T Shirt, shorts, and sneakers is usually a good option. Don't dress to attract attention, man or woman, and then complain when that attention comes your way. A good reverse example is guys who come in looking like they ate a bull and wearing a 'tank top' that could barely cover a mouse. Appropriate dress should always be worn.
I like the way you think. I'd probably add one to say "Do not complain about being watched if you dress to be seen" - which is similar to grandpa's "don't show what you ain't sellin'..."
I don't care if women ogle me: that only bugs the wife. I take it as a compliment at 56.

Still, I had to make the list fit on one typewritten page for obvious reasons. It is actually a condensed list.
(quadancer @ Jan. 12 2010,11:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Still, I had to make the list fit on one typewritten page for obvious reasons. It is actually a condensed list.</div>
I would rather these rules be in large print on oak tag or something, posted at multiple places throughout the gym.

Especially with the New Year's crowd these days. If I see one more guy working out in jeans and a button down shirt and work boots... Well, I don't know what I'd do other than shake my head in bewilderment.

Another one I find odd is people who on early morning visits to the gym, which is when I go, show up in their work clothes, change into the gym clothes, and then shower and change back into their work clothes. I mean, wearing your gym clothes in would save some time obviously. But that's more of an essoteric, non critical issue of my own than one that needs to be posted for all.
Our N.Y. Resolutioners have allready disappeared; the crowd is back down to normal. They used to last almost a month, but I guess times have changed, huh? Must be MTV.
Oh, one suggestion is regarding the use of the Squat Cage. It is used for Squats. It can be used for rack pulls or the like but it is not there for curls, crunches or stretching.
...and pretty soon you're back to two pages of a manual, instead of a quick manifest. I did try to keep the important stuff as I saw it, and there would always be morons who just either won't get it or don't care - far too much of the latter these days. It doesn't help when our gym has ONE power cage and it has 3 sets of chin/pullup handles on it.
Nicely tho, when we're squatting and we put the bar to the front so we don't face the mirrors, no one has been stupid enough to ask to work in. They will if you face the back.
Fantastic thread! I have gotten to the point where I try not to lift in a full gym. To me, lifting is a very personal thing and I don't care to make a party of it. If only everyone lived and lifted by quadancer's rules we would have a better world indeed.
guys that skip in the weights section.

guys that shadowbox in the mirror,if you want to shadowbox go in another room or join a boxing club.

guys that rub stinking linament on before they come in the gym.

guys that stink of BO,before they've even started training,no need FFS

guys that leave there towels/bottles on benches or machines.
(faz @ Jan. 23 2010,7:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">guys that stink of BO,before they've even started training,no need FFS

guys that leave there towels/bottles on benches or machines.</div>
I wear all clean and spring fresh kit every time I train... even when I train every day (yeah, the missus loves doing all my washing!)

Yet, I sweat very easily, and heavily, and train hard, so after 45 mins of weights and 25 mins of cardio, I stink too....

I hate that!

But I do hate guys/girls that leave their sweaty arse print all over the benches more... they shoudl use towels

(Brixtonian @ Jan. 23 2010,9:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(faz @ Jan. 23 2010,7:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">guys that stink of BO,before they've even started training,no need FFS

guys that leave there towels/bottles on benches or machines.</div>
I wear all clean and spring fresh kit every time I train... even when I train every day (yeah, the missus loves doing all my washing!)

Yet, I sweat very easily, and heavily, and train hard, so after 45 mins of weights and 25 mins of cardio, I stink too....

I hate that!

But I do hate guys/girls that leave their sweaty arse print all over the benches more... they shoudl use towels

yeah but thats fresh sweat,everyone sweats its a gym,but guys that come in and smell of BO or stale sweat there is no need.
Fresh or no, I don't want to LAY in it, you see? Not that I sweat much, but in my bag is a washrag for that, another in a baggie with alcohol and water to wipe up chalk when I use it (I'm on a no-chalk gym). There essentially should be no evidence of your passing; except for arranging all the plates on the trees, like I do as a matter of habit.
Does no good, that one.
Quad, if I ever own a gym, I want lots of clients like you. I'd have the tidiest, sweetest smelling gym in the land!
We have one here, called &quot;Stacks&quot;. They have a monolift, bands, chains, chalkstand, platforms, a million plates all in place, db's up to 150#, mostly freeweights, and members who will call you out if you leave a mess or don't put up your equipment.'s $40/mo. now. I went there when it was $225/yr.
(Joe.Muscle @ Jan. 26 2010,8:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">guys that stink of BO,before they've even started training,no need FFS

exactly,soap isnt expensive.
and quadman i agree.i always bring a towel and bottle,but i put next to were im training i dont leave it on other equipment for others to move,thats what pi55es me off.