mickc1965 training log

Sunday 02 February 2025

Back, Biceps, Hams & Adductors

Rest Pause
- Target rep range for the activation set and the number of rest pause sets (~15s rest) are stated after each exercise, all sets performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE.

• Narrow Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Row (1x10 +5) - 99.7kgs x 10+4+3+3+3+2

• Straight Arm Cable (2:1) Pulldown (1x10 +5) - 80.5kgs x 10+4+4+3+3+3

• Shrugs on Viking Press / Calf Raise Machine (1xAMRAP +5) - 140kgs x 18+10+8+7+6+5

• Cable 1 (1:1) Bayesian Curl (1x10 +5) - 17.5kgs per hand x 10+4+4+4+3+3

• Seated Leg Curls (1x15 +5) - 66kgs x 13+4+3+3+3+3

• Seated Adductor Machine (1xAMRAP +5) - 60kgs x 21+12+9+8+6+6

Progression Protocol - Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded on the opening set the load will be increased on the next workout.
Monday 03 February 2025

Waking Body Weight (08:30hrs) @ 85.4kgs

Down 5.8kgs overall since 31 December (91.2kgs), no change on yesterdays weigh in
Monday 03 February 2025

Chest, Delts, Triceps, Quads & Abductors

Rest Pause -
Target rep range for the activation set and the number of rest pause sets (~15s rest) are stated after each exercise, all sets performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE.

• Leg Extensions 2 | | (1x15 +5) - 102.5kgs x 15+5+4+4+3+3

• Seated Abductor Machine (1xAMRAP +5) - 60kgs x 24+12+11+10+9+8

• Smith Machine Decline Press (1x10 +5) - 77.5kgs x 10+3+2+2+2+2

• Cable 1 (1:1) H2L Flies (1x10 +5) - 15kgs (per hand) x 10+4+4+4+3+3

• Cable 1 (1:1) Side Lateral Raises (1x10 +5) - 7.5kgs per hand x 10+5+4+4+4+4

• Cable 1 (1:1) Face Pulls (1x10 +5) - 40kgs x 10+4+4+4+3+3

• Cable 1 (1:1) Tricep Pushdowns (1x10 +5) - 45kgs x 10+4+4+3+3+3

Progression Protocol - Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded on the opening set the load will be increased on the next workout.
Tuesday 04 February 2025

Waking Body Weight (09:00hrs) @ 86.4kgs

Down 4.8kgs overall since 31 December (91.2kgs), 1kg increase on yesterdays weigh in, assumed from food intake back to normal levels after prolonged fast etc
Wednesday 05 February 2025 (after a 12 hour night shift)

Back, Biceps, Hams & Adductors

Rest Pause
- Target rep range for the activation set and the number of rest pause sets (~15s rest) are stated after each exercise, all sets performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE.

• Medium Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Row (1x10 +5) - 100.7kgs x 10+3+3+3+2+2

• Medium Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Pulldown (1x10 +5) - 87kgs x 10+4+3+3+3+3

• Shrugs on Viking Press / Calf Raise Machine (1xAMRAP +5) - 140kgs x 19+10+8+8+7+6

• Cable 1 (1:1) Straight Bar Curl (1x10 +5) - 32.5kgs x 10+3+3+3+3+3

• Prone Leg Curls (1x15 +5) - 57.4kgs x 14+3+3+3+3+2

• Seated Adductor Machine (1xAMRAP +5) - 60kgs x 22+13+11+10+8+7

Progression Protocol - Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded on the opening set the load will be increased on the next workout.
Thursday 06 February 2025 (following a 12 hour night shift)

Chest, Delts, Triceps, Quads & Abductors

Rest Pause
- Target rep range for the activation set and the number of rest pause sets (~15s rest) are stated after each exercise, all sets performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE.

• Smith Machine Incline Press (1x10 +5) - 75kgs x 9+3+2+2+2+2

• Cable 1 (1:1) L2H Flies (1x10 +5) - 15kgs (per hand) x 10+4+4+4+3+3

• Cable 1 (1:1) Side Lateral Raises (1x10 +5) - 7.5kgs per hand x 10+5+5+4+4+4

• Cable 1 (1:1) Face Pulls (1x10 +5) - 45kgs x 10+4+4+4+3+3

• Cable 1 (1:1) OH Tricep Rope Extensions (1x10 +5) - 35kgs x 9+4+3+3+3+3

• Leg Extensions 1 | | (1x15 +5) - 90kgs x 15+5+4+4+3+3

• Seated Abductor Machine (1xAMRAP +5) - 60kgs x 25+13+11+10+9+8

Progression Protocol - Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded on the opening set the load will be increased on the next workout.
Saturday 08 February 2025 (following a 12 hour night shift)

Back, Biceps, Hams & Adductors

Rest Pause
- Target rep range for the activation set and the number of rest pause sets (~15s rest) are stated after each exercise, all sets performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE.

• Wide Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Row (1x10 +5) - 92.75kgs x 10+3+2+2+2+2

• Wide Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Pulldown (1x10 +5) - 88kgs x 10+3+3+3+2+2

• Shrugs on Viking Press / Calf Raise Machine (1xAMRAP +5) - 140kgs x 20+11+10+9+8+8

• Single Leg Curls (1x15 +5) - 27.5kgs x 15+5+4+4+4+3

• Seated Adductor Machine (1xAMRAP +5) - 60kgs x 23+14+12+10+10+9

• Cable 1 (1:1) Hammer Curl (1x10 +5) - 40kgs x 10+5+4+4+3+3

Progression Protocol - Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded on the opening set the load will be increased on the next workout.
Sunday 09 February 2025

Chest, Delts, Triceps, Quads & Abductors

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 3 minutes rest between compound exercises, 2 minutes between isolations.

• Leg Extensions 2 | | (2x AMRAP) - 105kgs x 16, 14

• Seated Abductor Machine (2x AMRAP) - 60kgs x 31, 27

• Smith Machine Flat Press (2x 4-8) - 82.5kgs x 6, 5

• Pec Flies Machine (2x 4-8) - 66kgs x 15, 15

Massively underestimated the load required for 4-8 reps

• Cable 1 (1:1) Side Lateral Raises (2x 4-8) - 10kgs per hand x 6, 5

• Seated Cable 1 (1:1) Face Pulls (2x 4-8) - 50kgs x 8, 7

Maxed out this cable machine, will do these standing from now on

• Cable 1 (1:1) Tricep Rope Extensions (2x 4-8) - 35kgs x 10, 8

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout
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Tuesday 11 February 2025

Back, Biceps, Hams & Adductors

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 3 minutes rest between exercises.

• Seated Leg Curls (2x AMRAP) - 66kgs x 15, 13

• Seated Adductor Machine (2x AMRAP) - 70kgs x 20, 18

• Narrow Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Row (2x 4-8) - 104.2kgs x 6, 5

• Straight Arm Cable (2:1) Pullover (2x 4-8) - 81.5kgs x 8, 7

• Shrugs on Viking Press / Calf Raise Machine (2x AMRAP) - 140kgs x 21, 18

• Cable 1 (1:1) Bayesian Curl (2x 4-8) - 20kgs per hand x 8, 6

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout
Wednesday 12 February 2025

Chest, Delts, Triceps, Quads & Abductors

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets.

• Leg Extensions 2 | | (3x AMRAP) - 105kgs x 16, 13, 11

• Seated Abductor Machine (3x AMRAP) - 70kgs x 22, 20, 18

• Dips (3x 4-8) - 91kgs (body weight) x 10, 9, 8

• Cable 1 (1:1) H2L Flies (3x 4-8) - 17.5kgs (per hand) x 9, 8, 8

• Cable 1 (1:1) Side Lateral Raises (3x 4-8) - 10kgs per hand x 7, 6, 5

• Cable 1 (1:1) High Crossover Rear Delt Flies (3x 4-8) - 10kgs per hand x 6, 5, 4

• Cable 1 (1:1) Double Stack Tricep Pushdowns (3x 4-8) - 40kgs x 8, 7, 6

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout.
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Friday 14 February 2025

Back, Biceps, Hams & Adductors

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets.

• Medium Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Row (3x 4-8) - 104.2kgs x 8, 7, 5

• Medium Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Pulldown (3x 4-8) - 90.5kgs x 8, 7, 6

• Shrugs on Viking Press / Calf Raise Machine (3x AMRAP) - 140kgs x 22, 20, 17

• Cable 1 (1:1) Straight Bar Curl (3x 4-8) - 37.5kgs x 6, 5, 4

• Prone Leg Curls (3x AMRAP) - 57.4kgs x 16, 11, 9

• Seated Adductor Machine (3x AMRAP) - 70kgs x 22, 17, 14

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout
Saturday 15 February 2025

Chest, Delts, Triceps, Quads & Abductors

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets.

• Leg Extensions 2 | | (3x AMRAP) - 105kgs x 17, 13, 11

• Seated Abductor Machine (3x AMRAP) - 70kgs x 24, 22, 20

• Plate Loaded Incline Press Machine (3x 4-8) - 96.2kgs x 8, 7, 5

• Cable 1 (1:1) L2H Flies (3x 4-8) - 17.5kgs (per hand) x 8, 7, 7

• Cable 1 (1:1) Side Lateral Raises (3x 4-8) - 10kgs per hand x 7, 7, 6

Cable 1 (1:1) High Crossover Rear Delt Flies (3x 4-8) - 10kgs per hand x 7, 6, 5

• Cable 1 (1:1) OH Tricep Rope Extensions (3x 4-8) - 37.5kgs x 8, 7, 7

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout
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Monday 17 February 2025

Back & Biceps

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets.

• Wide Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Row (5x 4-8) - 95.1kgs x 8, 8, 7, 6, 5

• Wide Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Pulldown (5x 4-8) - 90.5kgs x 8, 7, 6, 5, 5

• Shrugs on Viking Press / Calf Raise Machine (5x AMRAP) - 140kgs x 22, 20, 18, 16, 15

• Cable 1 (1:1) Hammer Curl (5x 4-8) - 42.5kgs x 8, 7, 6, 6, 5

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout
Tuesday 18 February 2025

Chest, Delts & Triceps

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets.

• Smith Machine Flat Press (5x 4-8) - 82.5kgs x 8, 7, 6, 5, 4

• Pec Flies Machine (5x AMRAP) - 79kgs x 15, 13, 12, 12, 12

• Cable 1 (1:1) Side Lateral Raises (5x 4-8) - 10kgs per hand x 7, 6, 6, 5, 5

• Cable 1 (1:1) High Crossover Rear Delt Flies (5x 4-8) - 10kgs per hand x 6, 6, 5, 5, 6

• Cable 1 (1:1) Single Arm Cross Body Tricep Extensions (5x 4-8) - 12.5kgs x 8, 8, 8, 7, 7

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout
Wednesday 19 February 2025


Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets.

• Single Leg Extensions 2 | | (5x 4-8) - 65kgs x 8, 7, 7, 6, 6

• Single Leg Curl Machine (5x 4-8) - 35kgs x 7, 6, 6, 5, 5

• Seated Abductor Machine (5x AMRAP) - 70kgs x 24, 22, 18, 16, 14

• Seated Adductor Machine (5x AMRAP) - 70kgs x 22, 19, 15, 13, 12

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout
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Thursday 20 February 2025

Back & Biceps

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets.

• Narrow Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Row (5x 4-8) - 104.2kgs x 7, 6, 6, 5, 4

• Straight Arm Cable (2:1) Pullover (5x 4-8) - 86kgs x 6, 6, 5, 5, 4

• Shrugs on Viking Press / Calf Raise Machine (5x AMRAP) - 140kgs x 23, 20, 18, 17, 16

• Cable 1 (1:1) Bayesian Curl (5x 4-8) - 20kgs per hand x 8, 7, 6, 6, 5

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout
Friday 21 February 2025 (following a 12 hour night shift)

Chest, Delts & Triceps

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets.

• Smith Machine Decline Press (5x 4-8) - 80kgs x 8, 7, 5, 5, 5

• Cable 1 (1:1) H2L Flies (5x 4-8) - 20kgs (per hand) x 8, 7, 6, 6, 6

• Cable 1 (1:1) Side Lateral Raises (5x 4-8) - 10kgs per hand x 8, 7, 7, 7, 6

• Cable 1 (1:1) High Crossover Rear Delt Flies (5x 4-8) - 10kgs per hand x 8, 7, 7, 7, 6

• Cable 1 (1:1) Single Arm Tricep Pushdowns (5x 4-8) - 20kgs x 8, 8, 7, 6, 6

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout
Sunday 23 February 2025


Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets.

• Single Leg Extensions 2 | | (5x 4-8) - 67.5kgs x 8, 7, 7, 6, 6

• Single Seated Leg Curls (5x 4-8) - 39kgs x 8, 7, 6, 5, 5

• Seated Abductor Machine (5x AMRAP) - 70kgs x 25, 23, 21, 18, 16

• Seated Adductor Machine (5x AMRAP) - 70kgs x 22, 18, 15, 13, 12

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout.
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Tuesday 25 February 2025

Back & Biceps

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets (1 minute on biceps).

• Medium Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Row (5x 4-8) - 108.7kgs x 6, 6, 5, 5, 4

• Medium Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Pulldown (5x 4-8) - 95.1kgs x 7, 6, 6, 5, 5

• Shrugs on Viking Press / Calf Raise Machine (5x AMRAP) - 140kgs x 24, 20, 18, 17, 16

• Cable 1 (1:1) Straight Bar Curl (5x 4-8) - 37.5kgs x 6, 5, 4, 3, 3

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout.
Wednesday 26 February 2025

Chest, Delts & Triceps

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets (1 minute on delts & triceps).

• Seated Chest Press Machine (5x 4-8) - 81kgs x 8, 7, 6, 6, 5

• Cable 1 (1:1) Single Arm Side Lateral Raises (5x 4-8) - 10kgs x 8, 8, 7, 6, 6

• Cable 1 (1:1) Single Arm High Crossover Rear Delt Flies (5x 4-8) - 10kgs x 8, 8, 7, 7, 7

• Cable 1 (1:1) OH Single Arm Tricep Extensions (5x 4-8) - 17.5kgs x 8, 7, 6, 6, 5

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout