mickc1965 training log

Friday 28 February 2025


Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets.

• Single Leg Extensions 2 | | (5x 4-8) - 65kgs x 8, 8, 7, 6, 6

• Single Prone Leg Curls (5x 4-8) - 34kgs x 7, 6, 6, 5, 5

• Seated Abductor Machine (5x AMRAP) - 75kgs x 20, 19, 17, 16, 15

• Seated Adductor Machine (5x AMRAP) - 70kgs x 20, 17, 14, 13, 12

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout
Saturday 01 March 2025

Back & Biceps

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets (1 minute on traps & biceps).

• Wide Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Row (5x 4-8) - 99.7kgs x 7, 6, 6, 5, 5

• Wide Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Pulldown (5x 4-8) - 95.1kgs x 6, 6, 5, 5, 5

• Shrugs on Viking Press / Calf Raise Machine (5x AMRAP) - 140kgs x 25, 20, 18, 15, 13

• Cable 2 (2:1) Hammer Curl (5x 4-8) - 72.5kgs x 8, 7, 7, 6, 6

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout
Monday 03 March 2025

Chest, Delts, Triceps, Quads & Abductors

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets (1 minute on delts, triceps & abductors).

• Smith Machine Incline Press (3x 4-8) - 80kgs x 8, 7, 5

• Cable 1 (1:1) Single Arm Side Lateral Raises (3x 4-8) - 10kgs x 8, 8, 7

• Cable 1 (1:1) Single Arm High Crossover Rear Delt Flies (3x 4-8) - 10kgs x 8, 8, 7

• Cable 1 (1:1) Single Arm Tricep Pushdowns (3x 4-8) - 20kgs x 8, 6, 5

• Single Leg Extensions 1 | | (3x 4-8) - 59kgs x 6, 5, 4

• Seated Abductor Machine (3x AMRAP) - 75kgs x 20, 19, 15

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout.
Tuesday 04 March 2025

Back, Biceps, Hamstrings & Adductors

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets (1 minute on biceps, traps & adductors).

• Narrow Mag Grip Cable (1:1) Row (3x 4-8) - 104.2kgs x 8, 7, 6

• Straight Arm Cable (2:1) Pullover (3x 4-8) - 86kgs x 8, 6, 5*

• Shrugs on Viking Press / Calf Raise Machine (3x AMRAP) - 140kgs x 25, 21, 18

• Single Kneeling Leg Curl Machine (3x 4-8) - 35kgs x 8, 7, 6

• Seated Adductor Machine (3x AMRAP) - 75kgs x 20, 18, 14

• Cable 1 (1:1) Single Arm Bayesian Curl (3x 4-8) - 22.5kgs x 7, 6, 5

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout.

* failed on the concentric portion on the next rep.
Thursday 06 March 2025

Chest, Delts, Triceps, Quads & Abductors

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets (1 minute on delts, triceps & abductors).

• Smith Machine Flat Press (3x 4-8) - 85kgs x 8, 7, 6

• Cable 1 (1:1) Single Arm Cross Body Tricep Extensions (3x 4-8) - 15kgs x 8, 7, 6

• Cable 1 (1:1) Single Arm Side Lateral Raises (3x 4-8) - 12.5kgs x 6, 5, 4

• Cable 1 (1:1) Single Arm High Crossover Rear Delt Flies (3x 4-8) - 12.5kgs x 8, 8, 7

• Single Leg Extensions 1 | | (3x 4-8) - 59kgs x 6, 5, 5

• Seated Abductor Machine (3x AMRAP) - 80kgs x 20, 17, 16

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout
Friday 07 March 2025

Back, Biceps, Hamstrings & Adductors

Training Protocol:
Number of working sets and rep ranges are stated in brackets after each exercise with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE, 2 minutes rest between sets (1 minute on biceps, traps & adductors).

New gym as old gym upped their monthly fee by 31% so next few weeks will be trial and error.

• Chest Supported Unilateral Row (3x 4-8) 100kgs (50kgs per side) x 8, 7, 6

• Medium Neutral Grip (1:1) Lat Pulldown (3x 4-8) - 89kgs x 8, 7, 6

• BB Rear Shrugs (3x AMRAP) - 140kgs x 11, 9, 6

• Cable 1 (1:1) EZ Bar Curl (3x 4-8) - 37.5kgs x 7, 6, 5

• Prone Single Leg Curls (3x 4-8) - 32kgs x 8, 7, 6

• Seated Adductor Machine (3x AMRAP) - 110kgs x 20, 18, 15

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved / exceeded the load will be increased on the next workout.