

New Member
I have a friend of a friend who swears by this program: MuscleNow.

I've heard a little bit about it... it kinda sounds like HST.

From what I can tell the routine is as follows.

1 week 2 sets of 8-12
1 week 3 sets of 4-7
1 week 4 sets 8-12
1 week 5 sets 4-7

Repeat. The friend of a friend has this website...

If anybody knows anything about the program... or if anyone has tried it, I'd love to hear what people think.

one of my good friends tried it. he was pretty heavy
he lost 30lbs in 8-15weeks i believe and got stronger.
but by the end he would go 3 days with ~2hours of sleep, he then gained 17lbs back in a couple weeks after doctors told him to stop exercising & he could not keep himself from eating copious amounts of junk food.
needless to say he was grossly overtrained.
& after seeing what the program he was on looked like it didnt surpirse me. it was like 20 sets 4x a week to failure + cardio everyday.
there is a musclenow thread on in the Programs section if you want to read that