My training Log :D

I rarely if ever experience DOMS in my delts during HST. Nothing wrong with that because too much DOMS is not a good thing when training every other day. Bryan states in the FAQ that you should only be experiencing mild DOMS which would feel more like muscle stiffness than actual soreness. Too much DOMS means too much microtrauma which will hamper your recovery. Nothing to worry about

Hey Dawg, thanks for the ever helpful comments, i appreciate it so much, thanks a lot :) so excited to go into my 10s tomorrow >.< will post the log tomorrow :) and one more thing i notice when doing my 15s for squats, is that it is so damn taxing and during those squats i am breathless and sweating like mad. is that suppose to happen?
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Just to backup whats already been said by tdawg, Its pretty rare to get DOMS in your delts. I've virtually never had it and in the last month my shoulder width measurement has increased by 1 inch. So nothing to stress over.
Just to backup whats already been said by tdawg, Its pretty rare to get DOMS in your delts. I've virtually never had it and in the last month my shoulder width measurement has increased by 1 inch. So nothing to stress over.

Thanks again wobbles ur a big help too, so with what tdawg and you are saying, how do we know weather or not our delta grow? by measurement alone only and strength gains?
yep, pretty much. Just wait till the end of the cycle and check your before and after results. If the results arent satisfactory then thats when you can start looking to adjust things. for the moment its just best to stick with the plan you've got.
yep, pretty much. Just wait till the end of the cycle and check your before and after results. If the results arent satisfactory then thats when you can start looking to adjust things. for the moment its just best to stick with the plan you've got.

Oh ok, will do wobbles, thanks again :)
Yes it is entirely normal to wanna lie down after squats and deadlifts no matter what rep range. They are very taxing movements.

Backing up what wobbles said check before and after measurements. They will tell you the facts! I am lazy so I rely on the old "shirts too tight system" then I know I'm getting somewhere
Yes it is entirely normal to wanna lie down after squats and deadlifts no matter what rep range. They are very taxing movements.

Backing up what wobbles said check before and after measurements. They will tell you the facts! I am lazy so I rely on the old "shirts too tight system" then I know I'm getting somewhere

Haha, got to agree with u there tdawg, the old shirts too tight system works :D
Saturday (22/10/11) T.Reps= 45
3set x 15reps all exercises
Time to complete: 1hr15min

Squat 60kg [Cluster last set, this exercise left me breathless and exhausted me the most, almost died]
DB Bench press 40lbs
BB Row 90lbs
Calf raise 152.5kg
DB shoulder press 25lbs
Rope extension 20kg
BB bicep curl 45lbs
DB shrug 40lbs [Pause at top of movement and slowly lower, felt better than before and i reduced the rest time for traps]

Please comment if any :) if not thanks a million for taking the time to look at my log, it means a lot to me :D
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Tuesday (25/10/11) T.Reps= 30
3sets x 10 reps
Time to finish: 1hr

Squat 47kg
DB bench press 15kg
BB row 70lbs
Calf raise 97.5kg
DB shoulder press 25lbs
Rope extension 15kg
BB curl 40lbs
Shrugs 35lbs

as you can see, i am zig zagging because i am new to HST, thats ok right?

Please comment :)
Thursday (27/10/11) T.reps= 30
3 sets x 10 reps
Time to finish: 1hr

Squat 52.5kg
DB bench press 17.5kg
BB row 35kg
Calf Raise 240lbs
DB shoulder press 12.5kg
Shrugs 17.5kg
Rope extension 35lbs
BB curl 20kg

Hmmm, its ok? anyways please comment :)