My training log

Tue 3/12

Pendlay row - 60kgx5, 80kgx5, 90kgx5, 105kgx5,5 PR 120kgx1

Bench - 40kgx5, 60kgx5, 80kgx3, 90kgx1, 100kgx1, 110kgx1, 100kgx1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

Landmine row - 50kgx12, 65kgx7,5

Feet elevated pushups with handles - BWx23

Ring chins - BWx8

A new 5RM PR on the pendlay row, and I tied with my PR in the bench from 2 weeks ago. Could possibly gone heavier, but I chickened out as I was training by myself.

Dude ... and I thought my strength gains this year were decent.

This may sound silly but I think the strenght level/base was there from the previous percentage based training I did for about 4 months. Once I 'broke free' from the percentages and pushed my actual maxes, the strength levels were realised. I am under no illusions that it will keep going, as it is getting veeery heavy on certain lifts. But right now I enjoy it!!
Those rows of yours will sky rocket up if you get them to 3x frequency (every 48hrs ideally, but this doesn't work for a lot of people). It's a highly-technique orientated lift, IMO. That is, technique matters a lot no matter what %-load you're attempting to move. It isn't like a deadlift or bench where you can move the weight, even if you're moving it badly and will cause an injury etc. If your technique is off, and your familiarity (ala frequency) has been reduced then there's a lot of potential just waiting to happen. Just my $0.02.

I'm looking to get a 165 row by the year's end, just a good form single.
Wed 4/12

Squat - Skipped

Landmine press - 20kgx10, 40kgx5, 55kgx5,5,5

Scott's press - 23kgx9,7,6

Hammer curls - 23kgx8,6, 15kgx10

Diamond pushups - BWx27

Skipped squats as I started training late, 9.10pm, and I'm training again before work tomorrow (about 8hrs from now)and bla bla bla excuses I know, I know...

Those rows of yours will sky rocket up if you get them to 3x frequency (every 48hrs ideally, but this doesn't work for a lot of people). It's a highly-technique orientated lift, IMO. That is, technique matters a lot no matter what %-load you're attempting to move. It isn't like a deadlift or bench where you can move the weight, even if you're moving it badly and will cause an injury etc. If your technique is off, and your familiarity (ala frequency) has been reduced then there's a lot of potential just waiting to happen. Just my $0.02.

I'm looking to get a 165 row by the year's end, just a good form single.

I haven't thought of 'specialising' in one particular lift before. My only concern with that is the other 'back' lifts, ie deadlift, rackpull and chins would suffer?

There is no doubt in my mind you'll get that 165, judging by your ever increasing deadlift PRs!!
Thu 5/12

Rack pull - 60kgx5, 100kgx5, 140kgx3, 180kgx1, 220kgx1, 260kgx1, 300kgxX, 300kgx1 Boom!

Deadlift - 180kgx1,1, 200kg,1,1

Bench - 40kgx10, 60kgx5, 80kgx5, 100kgx5,5

Incline DB bench - 35kgx9,7, 27.5kgx12

Quick finisher: 200m run, 10 chins, 200m run, 20 pushups, 200m run, 10 chins, 200m run, 20 pushups, 200m run

I missed the first rack pull at 300kg. Composed myself and got it all the way up. I could feel my whole back firing.
Almost PR'd on the bench for 5rm but got some unwanted help, so I can't claim it. There is always next time!
Fri 6/12

Squat - 60kgx5, 80kgx5, 100kgx5, 120kgx5

Military press - barx10, 40kgx5, 50kgx5,5

Landmine press - 20kgx10, 50kgx5,5

Scott's press - 22.5kgx9,8,7

Played around with the military press and it caused me no pain in the left shoulder. I will continue incorporating these very slowly. Nice little recovery sesh today.
Mon 9/12

Squat - 60kgx5, 80kgx3, 100kgx1, 120kgx1, 130kgx1, 145kgx1, 130kgx1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

Landmine press - 20kgx10, 40kgx5, 50kgx5, 55kgx5,5

Scott's press - 15kgx12, 23kgx7,8

Squats on sun-burnt shoulders sucks!! Last 10 squat singles on the minute.
Thu 12/7

Pendlay row - 60kgx5, 80kgx5, 100kgx5,5,5

Military press - 40kgx8, 50kgx7, 55kgx7, 60kgx6, 55kgx6, 40kgx5

Scott's press - 22.5kgx10,8,7

Ring Chins - BWx10,8

A bit of a feeler session today to check the neck out. I whacked my head hard on the water on a training day Tuesday whilst jumping from a rhib at speed. Reckon I might have given myself a bit of a whiplash. Been feeling sore and sorry for myself fir two days and thought I better get back into it. It felt ok, but very stiff. Time will tell.
Dunno what's going on with the forum. Haven't been able to get on for a while and it seems like we've lost a weeks worth of posts. I've been suffering HST withdrawals...

Been training though. No more PRs to report, just taking it easy during these holidays.
Mon 3/2

Squat - 40kgx10, 60kgx10, 80kgx10,10

Landmine press - 20kgx10, 40kgx10,10,10

Scott's press - 20kgx10,8,9

Hammer curl - 20kgx10,10

Ring chins - BWx8,5

So, after 5 weeks of holidays with sporadic training at best, then 2 weeks of post-holiday-depression with nil motivation, I'm back...

Today was a bit of a feeler session. I'm going to stay with higher reps for a while to slowly ease back into training again. I reckon it'll take a couple of months to regain what I lost. Size wise I haven't changed that much, suprisingly. But strength has dwindled quite significantly. Good to be back though and its nice to see everyone elses training is going strong!
Tue 4/2

Bench - 40kgx10, 60kgx10, 80kgx10,8,8

DL - 60kgx10, 100kgx10, 140kgx10

Pushups with handles - BWx30,25,25

Ring Chins - BWx11,10,8
Wed 5/2/14

Squat - 60kgx10, 80kgx10, 90kgx10,10,10

Landmine press - 20kgx10, 40kgx10,10,10

Scott's press - 20kgx12,10,10

Hammer curl - 20kgx8,6

Ring Chins - BWx12,8
Thu 6/2/14

Bench -
40kgx10, 60kgx10, 80kgx10,9,7

Pendlay row - 60kgx10, 80kgx10,10

Diamond pushups - BWx30

Wide pushups - BWx30

Ring chins - BWx12,6
Sat 8/2

Wide grip bench to neck -- 40kgx10, 60kgx10, 80kgx10,8,6

Chins - BWx5, 15kgx7,7,8

Incline DB bench - 30kgx10,10,10

Shrugs - 60kgx20, 100kgx20,20
Fri 14/2

Squat - 60kgx10, 80kgx10 + 3,3,3,3,3,3,3 - myo reps

Landmine press - 20kgx10, 40kgx10, 45kgx10,10

Quick one before work. Tried myo reps today on the squat. A bit of fun and felt good although a tad too light.

I have been training this week, just not logging any of it. Nothing exciting to report. Rebuilding lost gains sucks!!
Still training and checking in on these forums. But not much fun keeping a log that looks like dog shit. Formatting issues have been going on for quite a while now. Anyone on to it?

Hope all you guys training is going well.

Ps. Seems the enter key works from my phone but no other platform.
Comeback v2.0

- 40kgx5, 60kgx5, 80kgx3, 100kgx1, 110kgx1, 120kgx1, 110kgx1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

Landmine press - 20kgx5, 40kgx5, 50kgx5,5,5

Scotts press - 20kgx10,7,6

Hammer curl - 15kgx15,11

Diamond pushups - BWx25,20

I've been increadible lazy the last 3 months as all my lifts show. Good to see you guys keep slogging it out though with some awesome results.

Last 10 squat singles on the minute.
Tue 29/4

DL - 60kgx5, 100kgx5, 140kgx5, 160kgx1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1. 120kgx10

Bench - 40kgx5, 60kgx5, 80kgx5,5 90kgx3, 60kgx14

T-bar row- 40kgx10, 50kgx10,10

Landmine row - 40kgx10,10

Short circuit of db row and chins.

I hate training to regain lost gains. I will never have such a long break again...
Wed 30/4

Squat - 50kgx10, 60kgx10, 90kgx10,10,10

Landmine press - 40kgx10, 50kgx5,5

Scott's press - 22.5kgx10,7,7

Olympic bar curls - x15,15,15