New Member
Hi everyone, I am pretty much a newbie here as you'll probably figure out right away based on my initial pics. I haven't really exercised consistently and seriously for about 8 years - mostly on and off, to somewhat maintain a decent physical condition and avoid gaining weight. In March of this year I undertook a 4-5 month diet which I just finished now and after which I lost about 10 lbs. After reading the HST e-books and asking a few questions here and there on the forums here, I have now just begun my first HST cycle and am pretty excited. My goal is to build 30 lbs of lean mass in the next 5 years. I am 6'1, 177 lbs with what I believe are likely below average genetics. I've posted some pics in the attachments. My 8 rep maxes are 135 lbs bench press, 185 lbs squats and 185 lbs deadlift. I just measured myself to keep track of my progress: hips 35 inches, navel-level waist 33.7 inches, chest 40 inches relaxed, mid-quads 21.7 inches relaxed, and arms 13.25 inches flexed. I am going to target 2500 calories per day, with 3 weight lifting sessions per week (HST style) and 2 cardio sessions per week on the off days (a 20-min HIIT session and a 40 min slow run), and 2 days of rest. My main enemy is going to be alcohol; I usually consume about 1,000 calories per week of alcohol (10 drinks with no soda mixed in, just raw booze) - hopefully the cardio will help mitigate any harm from that, though I realize the alcohol is not ideal; it's a lifestyle choice I've made and will be my only unhealthy consumptions - no sweets, no cakes, no desserts, no pizza, no burgers, only healthy foods otherwise. If anyone has any advice or comments I'd love to hear them! Dwayne.

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