My workout plan - Needs advice and comments

If you are relatively untrained and "weak" you can do squats and deads 3x/week. Also, if you happen to have incredible recovery ability, you can do it also. Reg Park for example would do an enormous amount of heavy compound barbell exercises 3x/week, but he was obviously in the genetic elite by far. Try it and see how you handle it.

Reg Park also enjoyed his steroids.

You can certainly do deads, squats, dips, chins as your workout (for example). Your ability to recover will be determined by your own factors, more than anything. I'm with the others; try it, see what happens.
Reg Park also enjoyed his steroids.

Really?:rolleyes: He also competed for quite a long time in the pre-steroid era, so even if he did use them, (which is pure conjecture on your part), he only could have done so in the latter part of his career.
I'm about 85% certain I've read an admission from him, somewhere along the line. And about 98% sure Arnold said it several times, before steroids were (unethically and stupidly) criminalised (you know which narcotics have the highest mortality rates? Nicotine in cigarettes and alcohol in anything ... /rant).

The 'steroid' era actually began pre-WWII. Post-WWII it caught up quickly once everyone found how far the Nazi's had taken things (along with the war putting a significant emphasis on the research of the USA, USSR and UK, in their own rights).

Check out Pumping Iron and the accompanying making-of doco. Reg and Arnold are not especially different in terms of size. Arnold had more muscle in that volume (and peak Arnold of 73-74 was certainly bigger than Reg's peak), but it will take a very convincing and evidenced argument to make me buy that Reg accomplished that level of muscle mass without assistance.

Hell, Bill Pearl has acknowledged he did a few cycles but didn't like it.

***I don't think he did it for the entirety of his career, but I'm certain he did in the second half/towards the end;

I'll definitely acknowledge that he had the most enormous rib cage in the universe. And probably a kick ass baritone to go with it.
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Well steroids or not, we can all agree that Reg Park had amazing genetics for mass, as well as awesome exercise recovery ability. His workouts were insanely brutal by today's standards, the guy was like Wolverine in his ability to take a punishment in the weight room.