n00b intro / basic questions


New Member
Hi :)

I'm not new to the gym or bodybuilding, but I am new to HST, and what I'd consider a "thinking man's workout" vs. just throwing a bunch of weight around. I've been lurking / reading for a while, and want (need) some input from you guys with much more experience and knowledge than myself. I have read many threads similar to this, as well as SOME of the "pimp my HST" e-book, and am looking for some (i guess) specific input.

30 years old (male), 5' 8" tall, 205lbs, I'm GUESSING @ 18-20% body fat.

after years of lack of physical activity due to injuries sustained while playing sports in high school and college (football/hockey/boxing/martial arts), in addition to self inflicted ones by some improper workout habits and overexertion at work (heavy lifting at old job), I've started going back to the gym on a very regular basis. I still have quite a bit of muscle SIZE (luck / good genes, i guess) but my strength is pitiful. got a nice beer belly and love handles too - yay!

I have a bad back (scoliosis: multiple curves), and bad ankles/knees/shoulders (see above). but know my body well enough that I can "work through" (around) those problems. I'm not crazy enough to actually HURT myself in the gym, as I know the difference between muscle burn and pain.
I have always known BASIC diet and exercise techniques, but only lately have I started researching extensively. hopefully through this board and your input (thanks! ) I'll learn more about optimum exercise selection/frequency, diet, etc.

when I work out, I'm in a 'zone'. none of my friends will work out with me because of my intensity. I don't chit-chat at the gym: i'm there for one reason. I mention that only because my body and mind NEED routine and structure with no distraction. For optimal gain I KNOW I need to work out every day. due to this, I'm considering starting a 6day/12x a week HST routine with an AM/PM split. lucky for me, I work from 10 AM until 7 PM, so I can easily fit in a workout around 8:30am and one around 10pm. home/gym/work are all within 5 minutes of each other.

due to summer schedule (vacation and stuff) I only get FOUR weeks in which to do an 'abbreviated' cycle now. I'll then have a week long SD period, after which I'll be back for more (full 6-8 week cycle) so I'm considering doing one week of 15's, 2 10's, and 1 5's.

now for the questions! :D :

a) my body fat is horrendously high, though i hide it well. can i / should i do any cardio for a few minutes before or after each workout? i'm hoping to stimulate further fat loss in addition to muscle mass gains, but won't if it will hurt me.
b) is upper body AM, lower body PM the way to go, or should I try to mix them up?
c) should I alternate routines every other day, or just repeat the same one? especially during the 15's I don't plan on much variety, just the frequency induced volume.
d) should I increase weight daily, or just every other day?
e) is my abbreviated 4 week routine 'ok' or should I shuffle some things? (i.e.: 2 weeks of 15's and 2 of 10's, or just 10's and 5's?)
f) due to my scoliosis, my chest is small and very weak (at least in my opinion), quite out of proportion with the rest of my body. what exercises can i use to isolate my chest that will take my triceps out of the equation? (they have a tendency to do all the work when benching, for example)

if you've come this far, a sincere thanks for taking the time to read. surely you'll see more of me soon as well. your opinions are very welcome

- Darrel.
Hi tomcatt,
I don't know much,only what I've read here and from Finnish bodybuilding forum, but there was one guy how was training with HST and eating hes @$$ out (bulk), and he still loss some bodyfat, so I think you should try just train normally with HST, eat little less and I think you should bodyfat without doing cardio. I don't does it work that way for you, but maybe you should try it that way for one cycle and see how it goes
My recommendation would be to eat at maintenance while in the 15's, slightly reduce cals during the later 10's and 5's, add cardio in then also. As you start to reduce body fat add just enough Cals to keep loss at small percentages. It may be slower but you will begin to see differences.

Pec Flys, Pec Dec are a good chest exercises that takes the tri's out of the picture. Be careful on the stretch, I would start with ROM that just brings upper arms level with bench, then increase ROM from there gradually until you feel more comfortable with the weight increases.

Since you know of issues, I would also check with your doc before starting any strenuous routine, no sense in getting hurt.
okay, I need some feedback on my current routine from you guys. I honestly just need to know if I'm crazy, or need to change anything.

I'm in the middle of my second week.. so all of these are @ 15 reps, and I do them ALL, one set each, every morning and every night, 6 days a week. (yep, that's 12x weekly, so 180 reps per exercise each week)

in approximately this order:

leg extensions
leg curls
lat pulldowns
incline bench
seated row
roman chair "reverse crunches" (or whatever you call these..)
calf raises
barbell curls
tricep pushdowns

the main reason i'm not doing deads/squats and some other better compound exercises is because i'm disgustingly weak right now, and figured (hoped?) I could build strength this way before moving on to better types of (and heavier) lifts.

as a side note, I'm getting little to none in the way of DOMS, and I'm eating around 3000 calories a day 30% protein/40% carbs/30% fat, spread out over 6 - 7 meals.
If I was in your shoes - use a couple of weeks in SD and visit the ol' bone doctor; it sounds like you could do with some good DTM/myotherapy to release mis-aligned tissue and straighten out your back. Then keep up this new suppleness with Yamuna type body rolling.

Now, if you could get seen by a "Rolfer" this would be a real life change..
[b said:
Quote[/b] (the_dark_master @ June 15 2005,3:31)]If I was in your shoes - use a couple of weeks in SD and visit the ol' bone doctor; it sounds like you could do with some good DTM/myotherapy to release mis-aligned tissue and straighten out your back. Then keep up this new suppleness with Yamuna type body rolling.
Now, if you could get seen by a "Rolfer" this would be a real life change..

anybody else have opinions on my routine / frequency?
am I doing too much? too little? should I change exercises?

Hey TC,

I would not avoid squats and deads. Just start where you are and it will get better (heavyier). Doing them is the BEST way to improve your strength.

Regarding your program:

I would do
leg press over leg extensions

Sraight leg dead lifts over leg curls

scull crushers over tri push downs

You are doing alot of isloation moves and not the good core moves that give the good stretch. This is a mistake alot of us have made in the past. Vicious writes extensivly on this. Reread the customizing HST thread.


[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tomcatt @ June 15 2005,6:11)]anybody else have opinions on my routine / frequency?
am I doing too much? too little? should I change exercises?
Routine is fine, there is nothing saying you have to do deads or squats. But, remember there is a thing called specific demand, you will gain strength in the exercises you use, and even some carry over into ones you don't use but to build strength you need to do the exercises you wish to build strength in.

Frequency, rather high especially in the 15's, it's not needed. But if this is what makes you happy then go for it but understand that excessive frequency can lead to burn out and injury just as excessive volume can.

The goal you should be looking at is long term, what type of frequency, volume, progression can you maintain long term. Muscle does not build overnight, it takes time and pushing too hard, too fast leads to problems for some.

My recommedation would be tone it down a notch, 2 sets of 15's 3 or 4X week is adequate, if need be add in more days or sets in the the 10's and 5's.

3000 cals, depending on your body size may not be enough with a 6X week/AM-PM, this is energy zapping, monitor your weight closely when doing this and adjust if needed.