Thanks, Totz. So after a decent night's sleep on a proper mattress my back felt good today. I was tired pretty much all day until I took a little caffiene before workout... felt good for the first 1/2 of my workout; then got tired again

Another good night's sleep should get me back to normal.
Deads: Air squats x10, 45x10, 135x5, 225x2, 225x2, 370x5
Dips: BW+135x1+4neg, BW+135x1+4neg, BW+1+4neg
Chins: BW+70x5neg, BW+70x5neg, BW+70x5neg
Leg Press: 200x5, 380x5, 570x5
DB Bent Rows: 100x5+5neg, 100x5+5neg, 100x7+7neg
Decline crunches: 10, 10, 10
Calf Press: 380x5+5 partials, 380x5+5 partials, BWx20
DB Upright Rows: 45x10, 45x10
FLy machine: 130x15, 130x15
Deads - Felt good, decided to only do 1 working set; saving up for Friday's 1RM attempt
Dips - Nice full 1 second pause at the full stretched position... amazing.
Chins - 5 second negatives for each... held the last rep for as long as I could; managed a few extra seconds but on my 15th rep I only got maybe 1 extra second and MAN oh MAN were my biceps burning badly!!
Going to go light with deadlifts on Wednesday, just a few sets of 225x3, maybe 1 set of 275x2; going to continue to hit everything else hard... especially weighted dips. I think I'm actually seeing some pec progression...
BW was 179.4 today. Didn't track diet yet numbers today... might not get around to it.
Will ensure my diet is dialed-in over the rest of this week.