Well , in that case you'd best stick to option 1 on your first post, low reps heavy weight, that = 5's in HST language.
After the first two weeks in which you are getting to the 5 rep maxes, you simply carry on for another two weeks, here the balance is skimpy as you will have to be the best judge of what you can lift, but if you can manage 3 rep maxes for 5 reps, you're there!

Higher is even better.
So do this for the heavier exercises that simply cannot be done without help (if taken above the 5 rep max, like bench/squats, etc.), some exercises, like the ones done with d/bells if you are doing any, can be done with the help of the free limb.
One other technique is to use power racks or safety racks and set them at a ceratin range of motion (reduced) that you will be able to lift from, then get to work!
you could even take this beyond 2 weeks if you really wanted but by then most of us are suffering some kind of joint discomfort, so we SD.
That is also up to your conditioning:
less than 2 years lifting = 9 days SD
2 and more years and experience = 9 - 14 days or longer SD.
Than back to 15/10/5's.
Keep it simple, mostly compound exercises:
Squats/Deadlifts/Dips(head facing down and head facing up)/Bench/Military presses/chin-ups/clean and press.
These are among the most chosen and effective.
Isolation exercises seem to work best (and not used in excess) as metabolic stress inducers and for loaded stretches, techniques that are often used to bring up lagging body parts.
Happy lifting