New Pr's On Some Exercises At End Of Block


I'm at the end of my 10rm block with PR's on most lifts...
Fell short on my pull up's (but I want to go for it again) and my bench, while at a new PR, I feel like I got another 10lbs in me.
What should I do? Do a 7th day workout? Just push for those exercises? Just move onto 5rm's?
I personally would move onto the 5s and push it at the end of the 5s, but I do not see a problem with one more session of 10s.

Assuming your 125 for 12 reps on bench was all out then I would expect you to get the following

130 - 10/11 reps
135 - 9 reps
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I think either way is fine. If you have another go at your 10's you will be extending your cycle which is probably good anyways.

It happened to me on my last cycle. I was going for 100kg * 10 on bench press but I only got 9 reps at the end of my 10 rep block. I knew I could do better so on the monday after the sat and sun rest I did 10's again and got it. It just mean't the 5 rep block now ended on a Monday
I personally would move onto the 5s and push it at the end of the 5s, but I do not see a problem with one more session of 10s.

Assuming your 125 for 12 reps on bench was all out then I would expect you to get the following

130 - 10/11 reps
135 - 9 reps
I think I might have 135lbs in me :)
I think you're going to get better gains in the 5s by not pushing the 10s to the limit being suggested here. If he didn't 10 then for now it's not his 10RM. I haven't gone back to re-try things during an HST cycle. On a SST program you might be abel to configure it that way, but at the end of the day if you had a bad day/didn't quite get what you thought you would, just make an asterisk and a note and move along to the 5s.
I would also wait until the end of the 5s to push for new PRs. Who cares about 10 RM PRs anyway?


My 10RM's are all increased by training my 5's, 3's and 1RM. Strength-endurance at lighter loads will follow strength-increases at heavier loads. My 10RM bench is going up a lot faster by training in the 5-3RM range rather than training in the 10RM range.
.... And on my next cycle of 10's, recalculate then, my new max 10rm where I think it'll be?
Thanks for the replies...
I recalculate my 15 rm and 10rm based on what my projected 1rm is based on my 5rm max, so after recalculating my 1rm max my set up is 15s @ 65% of 1rm and 10s @ 75% of 1rm rounded up to the next 2.5kg increment. It works for me but I do not follow the same progression set up as you do.

Remember that all things being equal by the end of the 5s / 3s / negs (or whatever you finish the cycle with) you will more than likely have increased what your 10rm was anyway!!
Theoretically, it depends on what his ultimate goal is. In actuality, one workout more or one workout less is not going to make a difference either way unless it leads to an injury by trying to overdo it by losing form, etc. I think PR's are overrated. Keep one in the tank to be safe. Even top competitive power lifters keep one short of RM in the gym and only risk going for a new PR when in a competitive event when adrenalin kicks in and helps out. If you are injured, you are guaranteed to shrink, not grow.
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Theoretically, it depends on what his ultimate goal is. In actuality, one workout more or one workout less is not going to make a difference either way unless it leads to an injury by trying to overdo it by losing form, etc. I think PR's are overrated. Keep one in the tank to be safe. Even top competitive power lifters keep one short of RM in the gym and only risk going for a new PR when in a competitive event when adrenalin kicks in and helps out. If you are injured, you are guaranteed to shrink, not grow.

I think this is entirely relevant to the context of training programming, and performance and physique goals.

PR's are a must for any form of performance training. They're impossible to remove from a psychological standpoint (Soviets did some work on this before getting their asses kicked in the Cold War, if memory serves), and they also let you know about the relative efficacy of your progress at a given point in training.

In terms of physique training ala HST style; they're far less important and are really just 'incidental' to progressive overload, i.e. you get a PR because you're getting bigger and stronger but you aren't chasing a PR. It just happens, you log it, reprogram for next cycle and keep moving forward.
In terms of physique training ala HST style; they're far less important and are really just 'incidental' to progressive overload, i.e. you get a PR because you're getting bigger and stronger but you aren't chasing a PR. It just happens, you log it, reprogram for next cycle and keep moving forward.

The last time I looked this was a site devoted to HST.
The last time I looked this was a site devoted to HST.

Clearly,the purpose of the site is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

PR's perform important functions in SST and HST (and even generalised training/programming). Progressive overload will never occur if you aren't ... progressing ... the ... load. That inevitably means heavier weights; PR's.

Someone on TRT or just plain enhanced training will be able to continually progress for a longer period at the same loads using correctly applied deloading/deconditioning, but eventually you can't cheat adaptation.

Back to PR's though - they're incredibly important from a psychological standpoint. Insanity is defined as repeating the same action expecting a different outcome; and without PR's, this is effectively what you are doing. That sort of mental destruction is not what aids someone in maintaining their training and motivation to achieve their goals.
We can agree to disagree and I won't try to convince you that training to 1 short of RM while continuing to progress in loads gives the same result as working to within 1 short of failure, i.e., RM or "personal record", because you don't want to accept that what I support is a form of a personal record, albeit a much safer approach. Numerous studies have shown that lifting more than 95% of your RM is not more productive but infinitely safer. Anyway the "Shredded Silver Fox" is off for a 2 week SD in Playa Del Carmen tomorrow. Stay safe. See you in a few weeks. ;)