NEW TO HST, main aim muscle mass building advice needed


New Member
hi to everyone, this is my first post on the hst forum :D Ive been reading up on the hst forum about the hst routine, and i quite like the idea of full body workouts without exhausting the muscle. Ive been fasting for 28 days and basically concentrating on light weights and cardio, im in better shape now and i will be starting my steroid cycle in mid august. I need a hst routine to fit my needs, as in my main aims are full body workout , with compounds and aiming for muscle mass so aiming at 6-8 reps per set i believe? So can anyone point me in the right direct to how shall i make my programme, and what are the main things to look for? also as ive only been doing light weights, i dont really know what my maxes are at this moment in time, so how can i determine what weight to start on? Sorry about the messed up paragraphing , for some reason i cant level out my writing on here :( look forward to your replies guys!
Welcome to the forum! I would suggest you start with the basic template of HST, read:

If you are aiming for muscle mass, does that mean that you have already reached a lean body and want to add muscle now? You cannot start HST in a caloric deficit and want to gain muscle, you will only mantain what you have.
hi i wouldnt say im lean lol, say im slightly leaner then 28 days ago, and now aiming to put on lbm and keep my bodyfat down and try to stop it from increasing, but ill be eating plenty, especially as ill be on cycle so definately will be getting in good amount of protein, and decent amount of fats and carbs
The faq section has a wealth of information. I had to re-read them a few times before I truly understood the science and rationale behind the posts.

You said you have been fasting for 28 days. Intermittent fasting or fasting as in nothing?
Using a steroids for a cycle at your levels is near useless. Wait until you've tapped some of your own potential before jumping the gun. You're missing out, not to mention what happens if you screw up the load and food requirements.

EDIT: To clarify, I'm referring to your current status as someone coming off of 28 days under-feeding. I obviously don't know what your training and progression history to date is. That information wouldn't be unhelpful though...
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We need more information before we can fully help you out.

How long have you been training

With regards to the AAS, please tell us how many cycles you have run, what compounds you have run, etc. I'm assuming you know how to do proper PCT and what anti-aromatase you need to be taking, stuff like that?