No morning wood = low test levels?

Tom Treutlein

New Member
For those of you who have low testosterone levels, do you also lack morning wood? I'm getting my levels checked soon, so I'll know soon enough anyway, but I notice I almost NEVER have it. I used to some times, but not often.

At the same time, I'm very aggressive at all times, always very physical (I constantly wanna be up, out and about doing SOMETHING - especially sparring), and horny way too often (i.e., sex thrice a day).

So...where's my morning wood?
Actually morning wood happens to occur doing REM sleep (lightest sleep one experiences, dreams occur at this stage almost always). REM sleep is characterized by increased brain activity, blood flow, neural firings, increase in blood pressure, pulse, and respiration. These changes provoke muscle twitches and erections (morning wood).

Thus if you have lost your morning wood, you would not be reaching REM towards the end of your sleep period and spending more time in the 4th, 3rd, and 2nd stages of sleep (recovery).

Concluding that losing it would mean you are extremely tired out and need the extra wood. While testosterone levels do play a small role, if your tests do come back normal then its the great amount of energy your expending throughout the day.

Yeah, i'm a psychology/criminal justice double major, psych masters possibly doctrine studying for final exams procrastinating so i figured i'd post it hahaha
(Tom Treutlein @ May 06 2006,18:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">For those of you who have low testosterone levels, do you also lack morning wood? I'm getting my levels checked soon, so I'll know soon enough anyway, but I notice I almost NEVER have it. I used to some times, but not often.

At the same time, I'm very aggressive at all times, always very physical (I constantly wanna be up, out and about doing SOMETHING - especially sparring), and horny way too often (i.e., sex thrice a day).

So...where's my morning wood?</div>
Not really. I seem to still get it in the am. It may have something to due with a full bladder. I usually drink muscle milk before bed so I have to pee like a race horse when I wake up.

Only way to know for sure is to get your levels checked. This place will draw the blood and do a test real cheap, and they are nationwide
I have 100% medical coverage, so I'm pretty sure it'll be free wherever I go. I'll check it out anyway though, thanks.

Yes, I tend to spend a lot of energy every day, plus I'm often stressed (very much lately) and sleep very little (usually 5-7 hours on weekdays, I catch up on weekends). If that's all it is, then that's good. I find myself shutting off alarm clocks (3 of them) while asleep. I sleepwalk and shut 'em off.

Lots of sparring, physical activities, stress, weight training, slacking on diet (this past week, anyway), and not enough sleep to compensate - there's my answer, I'd say.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yes, I tend to spend a lot of energy every day, plus I'm often stressed (very much lately) and sleep very little (usually 5-7 hours on weekdays , I catch up on weekends).</div>

Stress is no good for both weight training, health and most obviously the morning wood
but you seem to be doing fine in this department &quot;(and horny way too often (i.e., sex thrice a day).&quot;, therefore I'd conclude that your problem is definitely not Low Test, else the above would not really happen.

Check your diet, adjust your sleep (7 hours is borderline) 8 is better! And slow down, the agreesion also shows normal test IMO, get some relaxation routine going!

Just my opinions