No weight gain yet

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I'm 5' 6", about 148 lbs. After my 2 weeks of 15's, I haven't gained any weight. Should I have by now?

I ate 2400 calories per day during those two weeks, and have upped that to 2500 about 3 days ago. Should I keep adding 100 calories every couple of days until I see gains, or jump up to 2700, 3000, or some other amount right now, so I have a lot of calories going during the rest of the cycle?

I also do cardio three days per week. I was doing 20 Minutes HIIT each of those three days, but have decreased that to 15 minutes moderate cardio on two days, then 20 Minutes HIIT on my last day before rest. Is that still too much?
You'll either have to keep increasing the calories until you are gaining 1-2 lbs a week, or just cut out the cardio. That burns up a lot of calories.
Yeh you should be gaining weight. A good figure to shoot for is 500 excess calories each day. This Should gain you about a pound a week so eat up or lie down more!
Well, my friend, here is a new quote I came up cannot be a lion if you eat like a mouse.

Here is a link that can help:
Doing the various formulas, I should be eating between 2300 and 2400 calories. I'm eating 2500 +/- 50 right now. I got on the scale this morning (after "releiving myself" but before breakfast) and weighed 150. So in 2 weeks plus a few days, I've gained about 2 pounds.

When I have hit the scale before, it was pretty much unchanged. May be some normal fluctuations or water loss, etc. I gues a 1 to 2 pound change can be difficult to detect. In another week or so, I expect to see an averall chang of +3 to 4 pounds. I'll keep you posted.
I find the formulas frequently underestimate my caloric needs, so it might be the case for you as well...
(etothepii @ Apr. 18 2006,09:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So in 2 weeks plus a few days, I've gained about 2 pounds.

When I have hit the scale before, it was pretty much unchanged. May be some normal fluctuations or water loss, etc. I gues a 1 to 2 pound change can be difficult to detect. In another week or so, I expect to see an averall chang of +3 to 4 pounds. I'll keep you posted.</div>
Just wanted to add that sure you will gain weight if you eat enough and train but this can come steady or staggered and you may not see any change for while then all of a sudden you've gained 10 lbs. What you expect to see and what is seen may be very different so don't get discouraged and be patient, HST is a good program but even it's not magic.
Dan's right

Patience...if you are eating over maintenance, then the weight gain will come.

It might only really start on the 5's, so give it some time and...never give up.

You may want to read the Bearadi article, it shows some good theory and calculations for weight gain.
agree with dan and fausto wait till your fullcycle is over...15s are not really for growth but they are important
The formulas are just guidlines. I thought I was eating maintenance and gained 5 pounds in a month I was &quot;cutting.&quot;
Well, tonight is my last workout in the 10's as I am still at +1.5 to +2.5 lbs. I'm upping my calories again -- from 2500+ to anywhere between 2700 to 2900. I figure, I've got four weeks left, and I can't do too much damage over eating in that time, but it could be a major waste of effort if I don't eat enough. Error on the side of excess, I guess!
Well... my philosophy is just that, usually. When bulking, I try to err on the side of excess, since I'd rather gain more fat than I planned instead of limiting my gains. You can always cut the fat down later. Just my opinion.