problem with design of my hst cycle


New Member
i went down to the gym today to workout my maxes in order to design an HST cycle. I worked my max for 10 reps and have used a calculator ( to workout maxes for 15's and 5's.

basically my main problem is that my 2nd last workout for example for 10's is equal to my max for 15's. So for squats my max in 15's is 40kg, and my max for 10's is 45, therefore the second last workout during my 10's will be 40kg (due to limitations in weight plates available).

so really there is limited progression from each workout. i hope u can understand what i'm trying to say. ur thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
dude there is no way that your squat max differs only by 5kg from your 15RM to your 10RM. It is just impossible. You should try and find all of your maxes instead of using the calculator.

I totally agree, go and try out your 1 rep maximum, and man...push like hell so that you can get a real try :D

It is no use using such figures, the calculator can be useful at times but maybe if you are on fives or so, then you can maybe see if your 1 rep max has increased since you last checked

Sounds to me like you need a bit more experience, no offense, but take the advice and check it out again, remember for squats to be effective you really have to push the limits so that you can get the benefit

Let us know how you do!
