Protein powders & water consumed


HST Expert
Hi All

Although this is a most hilarious issue LOL
, I was wondering why is it that one struggles so in the toilet when taking protein powders :confused:

Could it be that I am not drinking enough water? is getting worst than a very heavy squat,
the veins are near popping in my forehead with all the struggling LOL

Any views :confused:
I just found this forum today and I absolutely love it, but decided to register when i saw this :-)
I used to take Optimimum Nutrition Whey protien powder mixed with either milk or water. At that time I was drinking 1-2 gallons of water a day and had the same problems.......I think i may have grunted and strained more doing one #2 than a 200lbs squat....if you get my drift :-). I don't think it is that you are not drinking enuf water, I think some of our bodies react differently to different powders. There is one by EAS, I forget the name, but it doesn't bother me at all.
I actually went to the doctor about it the first time. He said eat lots and lots and lots of green veggies.....broccolli, spinach and such.
Speaking of spinach, i have found if i mix it with eggs and or some kind of bean, it is a lot easier for me to swallow :-)
sorry to rant.....must be the Xenadrine :-)
Many of the proteins powders are getting smart about this and adding things like fructooligosaccarides to aid digestion and help with the production of bacteria in the digestive tract. If you have difficulty getting enough fiber to make things work smoothly you could simply add something like Metamucil to the protein drink to help. Really!
Thanks guys

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I just found this forum today and I absolutely love it, but decided to register when i saw this : -)

Well if that is what it takes to get people on board, by all means :!!!

The reason I ask is that when I drink more water, all seems to get better, so maybe that is the reason, on the other hand it may be a getting used to issue, body just not used to so much lean protein

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I think i may have grunted and strained more doing one #2 than a 200lbs squat....if you get my drift

of course I do
I feel very much the same, in fact a squat does not make grunt half as much, I'd swear I am trying to give "birth to a foot ball" LOL  

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Try getting more fiber?

Tots, you could be right, lately the veggies have not been that popular, better speak to the missus about this, does not hurt to throw a couple of mixed veggies in the microwave even if it is just for me!

This a real pussy footing issue
better be careful :D

Anyway thanks guys.
I think it's worth a shot. If more fiber doesn't help... well, at least you can strike one off the list. The only problem I have with my protein is gas, which is something everyone seems to have a problem with. After drinking my shake, I have to belch for at least fifteen minutes afterward.

I guess if we want to really eliminate those problems, we could all just stop using protein powders (yeah right) and get all our protein from real food sources.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Totentanz @ July 05 2005,6:20)]Try getting more fiber?  I don't have this problem, so maybe it's a diet issue.
I have had the same problem. I now add a handfull of raisins with my protein drink, goes well with chocolate................. or you can do like an accountant and work it out with a pencil.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (wildbill @ July 08 2005,1:43)]or you can do like an accountant and work it out with a pencil.
OK, that's pretty sick
You need more fiber...You can get pure bulk fiber in the form of psyllium husks or psyllium husk powder at the health food store or Mix it with juice or water and drink it 3 times a day and things should go....more smoothly.

Toilet issues are not really uncommon.
I won't even assume to be able to explain all problems and symptoms everybody experiences in the toilet with regards to protein powders (and perhaps other supplements), but here's what I understand.
Sometimes the problem is a small (or not so small) degree of lactose intolerance.
I can hear some screams right now: What lactose intoletance?! we aren't talking about milk or dairy!
Well, you see, despite all high tech filtering that protein powder companies use, there still is a little lactose left in the products (or rather, it still produces a little lactose). Whey protein, for example, has lactose.
Now, being lactose intolerant isn't like muscles with the "all-or-none principle". It has really very varying degress, and also varying symptoms. Others may get symptoms after drinking a glass of milk, while others may get symptoms only after drinking beyond half a liter of milk in one sitting. Getting gas and having to belch it for longer than normal, for example, is a symptom of lactose intolerance. A more severe symptom would be getting loose bowel syndrome everytime you get to ingest an amount of lactose beyond your tolerable level.
Is this issue about lactose intolerance bad? Yes, because that would mean you might not be digesting all the nutrients in that meal, including the all important protein, because the lactose screws up, even if just mildly, your digestive process.
Do we need to spend lots and lots of money to remedy this?
Nope. Not unless you are highly intolerant, or worse, allergic.
But assuming that's not the case, all you have to do is "feel" yourself. Drink a glass of milk for example, and see if you get some lactose intolerance symptoms. If not, good for you. Then on your next meal, try drinking a little more (perhaps 1 and a half glasses or two), then see if you get some symptoms. Try doing that consistently for a few times, then you can determine your level of intolerance (of course, check if aside from the milk you drink you also ingest other foods that contain lactose, like cheese; best to leave them out while checking yourself).
And remember, it's not just milk, it's also some protein powders, so if you feel they give you symptoms, you might be doing yourself a favor by checking your level of intolerance. Then either reduce the amount you intake per sitting, or change to a more friendly kind for you.
Hope this helps even just a bit  :)
I thought lactose intolerance would lead to (depending on severity of course) diarrhea and the like, whereas what Fausto describes sounds like constipation.
In any case, yeah, fiber is a good idea since it retains water and "gooeyfies" the feces (oh how I love talking about this).
Careful with straining while you $h1t (sorry about the wording, I like to be blunt - sometimes a drawback when you're not very articulate, such as here  
), if it's as severe as you say; comparing it with heavy squats, it could be a sure way to hemorrhoids and even worse, diverticulosis and then maybe diverticulitis (having inflamed pouches in your colon).
[b said:
Quote[/b] ] thought lactose intolerance would lead to (depending on severity of course) diarrhea and the like, whereas what Fausto describes sounds like constipation.

Yep, Fausto's constipation is something beyond me, all I can say is what others have already said, fiber. But some dudes mentioned other symptoms they get, like gas, which prompted me to post what I did earlier.

Hehehe, sorry if I was a bit confusing!  :D
hahaha "Fausto's constipation" hahaha

I'm sorry... that cracked me up.

No offense to Fausto of course. I love that guy and his smileys.