Q about Squat / SLDL / Deadlifts / Bent Over Rows

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New Member
Good day,

I am about to start HST. However, I am still a bit confused with the choice of the exercises regarding the kind of movements listed in title.

Sample routine (10 reps) table on the HST site proposes, among others : Squat / SLDL / Rows

In the HST FAQ Book, Bryan says : "There is no need to do squats and deadlifts in the same week, ...". And later on : "Most people can only handle 2 exercises per week that stress the lower back. These include squat, deadlift, stiff leg DL, unsupported bent over rows."

My questions :
- Is it possible/recommended to combine Squat or Deadlift, then SLDL and then BB Bent over rows in the same workout (at least in the 15s and the 10s)?
- How to manage it during the 5s?

Thanks in advance for your your help. Am keen on starting the method!
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I would say no, for the simple reason that due to stress on your lower back, your form may suffer due to fatigue. The simple fix for that is to break up your routine a bit in an A/B split - you can find a ton of examples on the site, and when designing your cycle that's most likely your best approach if you truly want to incoroporate all of those movements into your cycle. I fit were me though, I'd pick either SLDL or regular deads for the cycle and then do the other for your second cycle. Hope that helps.
Thanks _tim for your answer! It will help. I would need some precision though.

Let's suppose that we do not alternate exercises during the cycle (no A/B split).

You say that you would personally better pick either SLDL or regular Deadlifts for one cycle and the other for the next cycle. So you would stick to only one exercise (Squat, SLDL, regular Deadlift, Bent Over Rows) as far as I understand, am I right?

If I understand the recommendation not to mix Squat, SLDL and Bent Over Rows in the same workout for the safety reasons mentionned above, do you then think the same about combining Squat and SLDL (combination seen on the site as an example) or Squat and Bent Over Rows for example?

Hope you can comment. Thanks!
You can get around bent over rows by doing chest supported rows. If your gym doesn't have this equipment you can do one-handed DB rows. Be sure to bear weight on the non working arm!

You can get around squats partially by doing front squats. They still do a very good job of leg development, in my own experience.

Some people can mix squats and deadlifts in the same workout. It can be done. I've done it, so have others. In Starting Strength Mark Rippetoe suggests keeping the deadlifts to one set. I found this to be a good suggestion. Do the deadlifts after the squat. My problem was not the lower back but my total, systemic fatigue. I just felt exhausted! I was doing back squats for 3 sets and classic deadlifts for 1 set, lifting in the 3-5 RM range.

Seated rows are another option. If you plan to do deads every workout, I would just do leg press instead of squats. If you do this, then next cycle swap deads for squats. If you can't alternate deads and squats within your cycle then just alternate them from cycle to cycle.
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