Quads are always sore


New Member
I know that muscle soreness is not an indication of how well you worked out but my quads are always sore after squats. Even late in my HST cycle when I am really conditioned for it.

Sure my back and traps get a little sore after a good deadlift session but nothing like the level of soreness I get in my quads. You know the kind that makes everyone ask me if I'm okay because I seem to limping. :cool:

And don't get me wrong, this is not a complaint. In fact I love it. I'm just curious as to why my quads are always the mucsles that are so sore.

Anyone else have this?

I'm noticing that to. Worst, of course, after SD and then rapidly declining. It goes for hams and glutes to.
DOMS seems pourly understood as it is, so why it would be worse for quads, might not get answered.

I think it is do to the fact, that quads, glutes and hams are such large muscles. You are able to move a lot of weight and do a significant amount of damage.

The second factor might be, that you notice it more, because you use you legs more.. A sore chest could to a some degree be excluded from everyday movements and not get noticed much.

Just my thoughts, no science behind it, at all.