Question about the calculator and the training to failure


New Member
First I am gonna go with the calculator question. I use kgs and most of my increments are with 2.5kg and the calculator table dont allow to insert "."" . Can you recommend me some alternatives.
About training to failure. I read somewhere that you should train once per two weeks to failure. Is that true and can somebody explain it more clearly ?
If you can use a spreadsheet to lay out your cycle then do that. Much more flexible. :)

There's no need to ever train to failure if you don't want to. You can still make good progress. However, to find your RM's you'll need to get fairly close to failure. A good rule of thumb is to curtail a set if your form is breaking down. There is no sense in getting injured just to squeeze out another rep. Saying that, your form isn't going to be perfect if you are shooting for a new 5RM; it's going to be a difficult set and it probably isn't going to be as pretty as a sub-max set of 5.

The way a standard HST cycle is set-up, you will be doing either your 15RM, 10RM or 5RM workout at the end of each two-week block. You will be using your previous RMs for these sessions. You may actually find that you can now do sets across with those same loads or you may not (depends on how much fatigue you are carrying, how much sleep/rest you've had, how well your diet is sorted etc.).

So you will probably get close to, or reach failure once every couple of weeks. This allows time for CNS fatigue to dissipate/reduce before you arrive at your next RM workout.
Yeap thanks for the replay i also managed to look at the HST FAQ and found the answers to most of my questions. Anyway, do you use an excel spreadsheet and if you do can you please uploaded because i am not very good with Microsoft Office.
The spreadsheet looks very useful, but probably for more advanced HST users. Its my first cycle and its very confusing to use it. Also, English is not my native language lol.....