Question, modestly enhanced lifter interested in HST.


New Member
Hi there. I an experienced lifter (5 years)looking in to starting an HST routine. I have been doing full body routines, that mixed 3x5 in the main lifts except DL (just one working set) and 3x8 in the accesory lifts, with a lot of volume, even before starting the "enhancement" I was doing 24 sets per body part per week without problems, with twice as much volume for shoulders since they are my most stubborn body part. So high work tolerance, now even higher I presume. The enhancement is very basic, what is usually recommended for first time.

I have two questions.

- Given my special circumstance, before jumping into the HST, should I do the SD? I think the FAQ says no about the 15 rep block but about the SD prior I don't have it clear.

- The volume issue, the samples routines are very low volume, so I guess I have to ramp them up quite a bit. I was thinking, in having two exercises per body part, and doing 3 sets each for the 10 rep work, and 5 sets for the 5's. Thoughs on this?

If it's been a while since you've had a break, I would take one If I were you. Calculate your RMs over a period of a few days, then SD/deload or vice versa.

EDIT: I get now...enhanced...nevermind
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If you are feeling pain from lifting in general you should SD beforehand. If you're good to go just jump in. Find your rep maxes. IF you are "on" gear you should not do 15s, just start with 2 weeks of 10 building up to your RM, then to the 5s, then the negatives. Also, it would be wise to do a split routine. Either train 2x per day, or do upper body one day lower body the next, 6 total workout a week. The gear allows for you to handle more volume, but you should not up the loads. I know your strength will go through the roof but do not up the load, just do more "working sets". When you up the load, then go "off" gear, the load will fall then you will have low hormonal levels and also decreasing load which translates into losing much of what you have gained. As long as you are on you should not SD, just start back at 10s and increase the RMs a little for each exercise. Once again, do not max out your strength while on gear, gear can induce hypertrophy independent of resistance training.
Hi there. I an experienced lifter (5 years)looking in to starting an HST routine. I have been doing full body routines, that mixed 3x5 in the main lifts except DL (just one working set) and 3x8 in the accesory lifts, with a lot of volume, even before starting the "enhancement" I was doing 24 sets per body part per week without problems, with twice as much volume for shoulders since they are my most stubborn body part. So high work tolerance, now even higher I presume. The enhancement is very basic, what is usually recommended for first time. I have two questions. - Given my special circumstance, before jumping into the HST, should I do the SD? I think the FAQ says no about the 15 rep block but about the SD prior I don't have it clear. - The volume issue, the samples routines are very low volume, so I guess I have to ramp them up quite a bit. I was thinking, in having two exercises per body part, and doing 3 sets each for the 10 rep work, and 5 sets for the 5's. Thoughs on this? Thanks.

Since you are "enhanced". I wouldn't bother with SD, unless you are just sore or overtrained. With enhanced HST, you generally want increase volume, but keep frequency and intensity normal. Don't overdo your Lifting power (load/intensity) as steroids will greatly improve your muscle tissue and strength, but your tendons will not be "enhanced" so some guys rip tendons if they push too fast for PRS. This why most PROs go with higher volume instead of higher loading. You will definitely be able to tolerate increased volume , so go for it. Good luck.
Mind elaborating on what you are taking? Basic test cycle or what? Your shoulders should not need as much volume while on to grow since you have a lot more androgen receptors in the shoulders and traps than in the other muscle groups, so in general they will grow well while on cycle without going crazy on volume. If only a basic test cycle, say 400 mgs a week or less, this effect will obviously be less pronounced than if you were taking other compounds.

No point in SD while on cycle. Volume - rather than thinking in terms of sets, think of it in terms of total reps per muscle group. I would aim to get 30 reps per musclegroup for upperbody and go ahead and go for more than that for lower body if you want. Remember that you should be increasing volume while on cycle but not artificially increasing the load. A cycle will enhance your strength but you want to stick to the tested RMs you started the cycle with. As Sci pointed out, your muscles will gain strength faster than your tendons can adapt. I would recommend against pushing for PRs too aggressively.

How long of a cycle are you running with regards to the AAS you are using? Ideally, you will want to be able to maintain load when you go into PCT and simply drop volume to accomodate your body as it's tolerance to lifting begins to diminish. Dropping the load significantly during PCT is a very bad idea. If you can time your PCT to coincide with the time you are entering into the 5s, that works best. If you are doing a 12-14 week cycle of test, I would run 2-3 weeks of 10s, 4-6 weeks of 5s, go back to the 10s and do 2-3 weeks of 10s then go into the 5s and continue the 5s until you are finished with PCT.
Thanks for all the answers guys!

Mind elaborating on what you are taking? Basic test cycle or what? Your shoulders should not need as much volume while on to grow since you have a lot more androgen receptors in the shoulders and traps than in the other muscle groups, so in general they will grow well while on cycle without going crazy on volume. If only a basic test cycle, say 400 mgs a week or less, this effect will obviously be less pronounced than if you were taking other compounds.

No point in SD while on cycle. Volume - rather than thinking in terms of sets, think of it in terms of total reps per muscle group. I would aim to get 30 reps per musclegroup for upperbody and go ahead and go for more than that for lower body if you want. Remember that you should be increasing volume while on cycle but not artificially increasing the load. A cycle will enhance your strength but you want to stick to the tested RMs you started the cycle with. As Sci pointed out, your muscles will gain strength faster than your tendons can adapt. I would recommend against pushing for PRs too aggressively.

How long of a cycle are you running with regards to the AAS you are using? Ideally, you will want to be able to maintain load when you go into PCT and simply drop volume to accomodate your body as it's tolerance to lifting begins to diminish. Dropping the load significantly during PCT is a very bad idea. If you can time your PCT to coincide with the time you are entering into the 5s, that works best. If you are doing a 12-14 week cycle of test, I would run 2-3 weeks of 10s, 4-6 weeks of 5s, go back to the 10s and do 2-3 weeks of 10s then go into the 5s and continue the 5s until you are finished with PCT.

I'm running a 12 week cycle of test cyp, 500 mg, currently finishing my 4 week (didn't know if discussing this thing was permitted in this boards or not). probably underdosed, but is doing something. I was planning on cycling off this time and see how it goes, but probably sooner or later I'll end up blasting and cruising.

My plan was to start tomorrow, since I know my RM, and run a 7 week cycle of HST, spend the last week on gear deloading, and start a new cycle fresh during PCT with the 10's since during PCT with the drugs used there I will still be a bit above physiological levels, and finish PCT in the middle of the 5's when the intensity is at it's highest.

But your approach also looks interesting.
You have about two weeks after you discontinue usage until your levels will go back down to basically nothing and the recovery process starts. So you could do the tens for those two weeks and then just be moving into the 5's when your levels are dropping down to nothing and you're starting the clomid, nolva or whatever. I would try to run four to six weeks of 5s during that time minimum.

500 mgs of test cyp is plenty. Make sure you eat big to maximize your gains. You should be able to gaina solid twenty pounds if you play your cards right.
Awesome, assuming that work capacity is going up as well?

It might have been nice to have some aromasin or something to make sure you aren't getting too much E conversion. You are going to be retaining some water from that dosage of test. I'd aim to gain 30 lbs at least, you'll likely drop 5 to 10 lbs of that going in to PCT.
I'm doing U/L, if not the volume would be too high for a single session, or suboptimal for my recovery capacity.

So far I have gained 12 lb, and I have lost some bf.
How many times do you workout per week ? How long does each rep cycle last ? How many sets per exercises ? I know it's a lot of questions, but I'm really interested in knowing how you set it up.
6 times per week.

The 10s cycle is going to last 3 weeks, the 5s until I'm recovered.

I'm using 3 sets for the 10s, and I'll use 5 sets for the 5s. One drop set at the end of each exercise to reach 15 reps in the last set.