Active Member
Hey guys, especially Dan and Brak,
Al I can add is it depends on your state of health. And it really doesn't have much relevance on bodybuilding itself, but rather on your health in general. Too much sat fats and cholesterol is generally harmful for most everybody (what's the point of building a 300-pound hulk body if you'll just fall down and die because of a heart attack the moment your girlfriend unhooks her bra?
), while trans fats are (as far as I know) still the devil's work.
Last I checked, there is still a debate whether "too much" sugar harmful - or rather, just how much is "too much", as there is still, as far as I know, no real strict dietary limit to sugar intake - supported by real scientific and/or statistical evidence, anyway. So eat fruits or chocolates or whatever, no biggie. As long as your calories are in check, your macronutrient ratio is more or less maintained (if you are real strict with it), and you workout religiously, I doubt eating a few chocolate bars with your diet will make you any fatter than you really will be even without them. Of course, if you are diabetic or something, then naturally you should know what to avoid.
Just avoid what you know will be harmful to you health-wise, that's "eating cleanly" as I see it - but no direct relevance at all to bodybuilding as far as I can tell - unless some new science shows up and tells me otherwise, in which case I'd love to get a copy of it to study.
In the meantime, I'll be digging into my post-meal chocolate bar. Regards!
Sure, fire away.[b said:Quote[/b] ]Care to entertain another question?
Dan said the best already. What can I say, he is the Man after all. That was a really nice one, Dan[b said:Quote[/b] ] if I can feel free to eat carbs and I want a certain amount of fat...then what the heck is "eating clean" I understand I don't want too much of anything, but what is a dirty food while eating clean. Fruit is a healthy carb and as such would seem like fair game, but it is packed with sugar, is sugar dirty or clean? Many think that low-fat is eating clean, but getting a good amount of healthy fat is contrary to that...well, ok, I think everyone agrees that saturated fat and trans fat is "dirty" when "eating clean". Anything else to be on the lookout for?

Al I can add is it depends on your state of health. And it really doesn't have much relevance on bodybuilding itself, but rather on your health in general. Too much sat fats and cholesterol is generally harmful for most everybody (what's the point of building a 300-pound hulk body if you'll just fall down and die because of a heart attack the moment your girlfriend unhooks her bra?

Last I checked, there is still a debate whether "too much" sugar harmful - or rather, just how much is "too much", as there is still, as far as I know, no real strict dietary limit to sugar intake - supported by real scientific and/or statistical evidence, anyway. So eat fruits or chocolates or whatever, no biggie. As long as your calories are in check, your macronutrient ratio is more or less maintained (if you are real strict with it), and you workout religiously, I doubt eating a few chocolate bars with your diet will make you any fatter than you really will be even without them. Of course, if you are diabetic or something, then naturally you should know what to avoid.
Just avoid what you know will be harmful to you health-wise, that's "eating cleanly" as I see it - but no direct relevance at all to bodybuilding as far as I can tell - unless some new science shows up and tells me otherwise, in which case I'd love to get a copy of it to study.
In the meantime, I'll be digging into my post-meal chocolate bar. Regards!