Return to HST Roots (5th cycle)

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06 May 2008 10.30am

had a quickie *not wat u think

in office gym.

1) side lateral raises: 10 kg x 15 x 2
2) rear lat machine: 40 ibs x 15 x 2

doing my cardio during lunch.
sadly this wk i can only train 2x instead
of the ususal 3. just resumed my driving
lessons after a 5mth break & thank goodness
I can still drive, i'm now learning auto gear
instead & wat a world of difference!
I hope i pass this time round.

but my training will still carry on, just have
to re-adjust it.
06 May 2008 Tues
lunch time cardio.

did high intensity cardio
instead of usual slow walk to kick
metabolic rate a bit

speed: 9.5km/h
time: 20 min (+5 min cooldown walk)
cal: 226
dist: 3.53km
heart rate : start 89 (walked a bit
stairs down to gym) / max at around 168
06 May 2008 tue
wk 2 day 3 (15s)

1) squats: 160ibs
2) incline bench press: 130ibs
3) sternum chins: 15 (14 + 1)
4) military press: 95ibs
5) barbell shrugs: 160ibs
6) ez curls: 85ibs (could only do 12)
7) close grip benchpress: 160ibs
8) deadlift: 225ibs (could only do 11.5)
9) standn calf raise: 100 ibs (2 sets)

*lying leg curls: 40 ibs


i think i made a terrible mistake today.
i did high impact cardio earlier in e day
rite? tat means lots of leg movement,
& pounding so when i did my squats just now, i
had trouble finishing my 15s & i felt tat
overall, i had like a loss of strength & grip
(see my bicep curls & deadlifts)

i think i'll stick back to low impact cardio
like brisk walking & if I really have to do
running, i'll do it on a non training day.

if this had been 10s or 5s, i'd be totally dead.
(hotterdog @ May 06 2008,7:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">OOPS I DID IT AGAIN!!!

i think i made a terrible mistake today.
i did high impact cardio earlier in e day
rite? tat means lots of leg movement,
&amp; pounding so when i did my squats just now, i
had trouble finishing my 15s &amp; i felt tat
overall, i had like a loss of strength &amp; grip
(see my bicep curls &amp; deadlifts)

i think i'll stick back to low impact cardio
like brisk walking &amp; if I really have to do
running, i'll do it on a non training day.

if this had been 10s or 5s, i'd be totally dead.
That which does not kill you makes you strong...
08 May 2008 Thurs
lunch time cardio

as promised, back to low intensity cardio for fat buring.
no more funny patterns.... for now.

walking at 3mph / 4.8 km/hr
time: 31 mins distance: 2.46 km cal: 106

1) side lateral raises: 12.5 kg x 10 x 2
2) rear lat machine: 50 ibs x 10 x 2

(seems like i'm raising my poundages earlier for my
delts but it seems comfortable at this point, who knows
i might try for 17.5 kg for my side laterals during my 5s
my max was 15 kg for the last few cycles.
08 May 2008 thu
wk 3 day 1 (10s)

1) squats: 160ibs
2) incline bench press: 140ibs
3) sternum chins: 10 (2nd set only 8) -
hooked a 5 kg dumbbell between my knees
4) military press: 95ibs
5) barbell shrugs: 160ibs
6) ez curls: 85ibs (see * below)
7) close grip benchpress: 160ibs
8) deadlift: 225ibs
9) standn calf raise: 120 ibs

lying leg curls: 40 ibs

*have this tight a bit pain feeling on my
outer right forearms (as if u had gripped
something very tight for a long time) so
for second set of curls, i dropped e weight
to about 35kg or 77ibs, hope this heals over the

another note, now tat i've changed back to low
impact cardio, my strength seems normal today
only negative part was i did a little too much talking
in e gym today, normally i won't do tat but duno wat
came over me.
gotta take note.
12 May 2008 monday

skip my lunch cardio. yesterday mother's day
but i ate very little so i tried to eat more today
to store enough for evening workout.
just did these few before having lunch

1) side lateral raise: 12.5 kg x 10 x 2
2) rear lat machine: 50 ibs x 10 x 2

3) reverse triceps extension (out of impulse)
20 ibs x 12 x 2
12 May 2008 Mon
wk 3 day 2

1) squats: 160ibs
2) incline bench press: 140ibs (2nd set stuck at 9)
3) sternum chins: 10 (2nd set only 9) -
hooked a 5 kg dumbbell between my knees
4) military press: 100ibs
5) barbell shrugs: 160ibs
6) ez curls: 90ibs (2nd set only 8)
7) close grip benchpress: 160ibs (2nd set only 6)
8) deadlift: 230ibs
9) standn calf raise: 120 ibs

lying leg curls: 50 ibs

today's strength was like yoyo. e grip tension feeling
was still there though not painful. not sure if i'm gripping
too hard &amp; affecting my movements.
14 May 2008 lunch time cardio

not much of it actually. threadmill was occupied
so had to settle for e cycle but e readings kept
going off, so hell w it,just settled for 20 mins leisurely cycling with some minor delt work below

1) side lateral raise: 12.5kg x 12 x 2
2) rear lat machine : 50 ibs x 12 x 2

right now, i'm kinda sleepy, took some xtra coffee which will hopefully perk me up later for my evening workout.

PS : i slept close to 1 am yesterday watching online video &amp; playing a zombie game
&quot;The last stand2&quot; anyone playing it?

i played it for 1st time, only made it till day 24
14 May 2008 wed
wk 3 day 3

1) squats: 170ibs
2) incline bench press: 150ibs (9 &amp; 8)
3) sternum chins: 10 (bodyweight)
4) military press: 105ibs (smith)
5) barbell shrugs: 170ibs
*6) alt dumbbell curls : 10 kg (substitue from ez curls)
7) close grip benchpress: 170ibs (smith)
8) lying leg curls: 50 ibs

smith sets were a result of having no spotters
e *** gym instructor wasn't really keen to spot
me (cause earlier a gym member helped me w
e bench press &amp; he did signal to e instructor to help
but e fella just gave him a u could do it look)

i din do calves or deadlifts today cause i really
can't. will resume on fri.
(hotterdog @ May 14 2008,5:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">PS : i slept close to 1 am yesterday watching online video &amp; playing a zombie game
&quot;The last stand2&quot; anyone playing it?

i played it for 1st time, only made it till day 24  
Not yet, but since you mentioned it I'll give it a try

I have been playing the Nintendo Wii, but it hasn't been nice on my shoulder (darn baseball game)
(electric @ May 14 2008,11:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(hotterdog @ May 14 2008,5:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">PS : i slept close to 1 am yesterday watching online video &amp; playing a zombie game
&quot;The last stand2&quot; anyone playing it?

i played it for 1st time, only made it till day 24
Not yet, but since you mentioned it I'll give it a try

I have been playing the Nintendo Wii, but it hasn't been nice on my shoulder (darn baseball game)

have fun! i survived tonight!! i am zombie free!!

try part 1 1st if u haven't played it before.
(hotterdog @ May 14 2008,1:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">

have fun! i survived tonight!! i am zombie free!!  

try part 1 1st if u haven't played it before.</div>
Hehehe, I got to Union City. Days Survived 36, Zombies killed 1101.
(electric @ May 14 2008,6:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(hotterdog @ May 14 2008,1:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">

have fun! i survived tonight!! i am zombie free!!  

try part 1 1st if u haven't played it before.</div>
Hehehe, I got to Union City. Days Survived 36, Zombies killed 1101.</div>
oh wow congrats. so u killed more zombies than me. but means u stayed rather long in each city? or u covered every city? i skipped 1 city cause my goal was to leave asap. gather enough food for 4 days move, so on.... but either way, fun eh.
16 May 2008, Fri

OK! this is not an actual HST workout
from my current cycle but a modified version
in my office gym during lunch as I can't train
tonight. (so I'm not sure if it counts but here goes)

Note: all dumbbell workout unless stated.

1) leg extensions: 30 ibs x 10 x 2 (2 second hold at top)
2) standn leg curls: 20 ibs x 10 x 2
3) flat dumbbell press: 25 kg x 10 x 2
4) dumbbell row: 25 kg x 10 x 2
5) dumbbell press: 20 kg x 10 x 1 (2nd set only 9)
6) side lateral raises: 10 kg x 10 x 2
7) dumbbell shrugs: 25 kg x 10 x 2
8) alt standn dumbbell curls: 12.5 kg x 10 x 2
9) cable triceps pressdown: 150 ibs (whole stack)
x 12 x 2

sipped my post workout shake in between sets as i dun wanna be low on energy &amp; waste time or effort there
20 May 2008 tues

lunch time cardio.
had a busy day &amp; feel a bit tired despite having
slept enough yesterday but perhaps it was irregular
eating over e long wkend (mon was a holiday here)
tat made my energy levels low

only did 26 mins instead of 30 on incline threadmill
at 3% at 4.8km/h or 3mph cal 122 dis 2.08

1) side laterals: 12.5 kg x 12 x 2
2) rear lat machine: 50 ibs x 12 x 2
20 May 2008 tues
(edit: insert wk 4 day 1)

1) squats: 170ibs
2) incline bench press: 150ibs (smith)
3) sternum chins: 10 (bodyweight)
4) military press: 110ibs (smith)
5) barbell shrugs: 170ibs
*6) alt dumbbell curls : 12.5 kg (substitue from ez curls)
7) close grip benchpress: 170ibs (smith)
8) deadlift: 240 ibs
9) standn calf raises: 140ibs x 10 (4 sets cause last
2 workout din train calf)

some movements were executed on smith
for safety due to unsure energy levels &amp;
e coach today was e cancer looking skinny twig
who was bald &amp; weighed prob 110 ibs.... he looked
to be in last stage of cancer.

last time i asked him for a spot in squats, he merely
touched e bar &amp; went come on u can do it in a pipsqueak
22 may 2008

lunch time cardio.
just 25 mins walkn same thing. cals too low to record

1) side lateral raises: 12.5 kg x 10 x 3
2) rear lat machine : 60 ibs x 10 x 3
(hmm, i maxed at 70 for 5 reps last time, looks like
i'll break e record soon, but weight's not e issue w
rear delts)