Schedule Issues


New Member
I usually go to the gym on mondays, wednesdays and fridays (AxAxAxx) at night but I got some schedule issues and for the next 4 months I'll only be able to go on mondays and fridays at night and on saturdays at noon. Will this weird exercises pattern affect my results with HST? I'm just starting my last month of HST. There are too many hours between monday and friday, and too few hours set asite between friday at night and saturday at noon.

The easiest solution would be to spend a fuckton more on money in a local gym that opens up at 5:00 AM and go at that hour on wednesdays.
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Agree w/Totes. There's a pretty small layover between Friday and Saturday sessions (obviously), so if you're feeling like Superman on a given week during the 2nd period of 5's, try not to push too hard on the Friday and Saturday.
Thanks everyone, I was lucky enough to find a cheap local gym that opens up at 5:30 AM and it has everything I need. I got another non-relevant question, can I do 2 sets per exercise in the 2 weeks where I'll be pushing my 5RMs every day? I'm on my second day of my 5s RM 2 week cycle and I've been doing 3 sets with 30-80 seconds of rest per set with no problem, but trying to push my 5RMs further every session for the last 2 weeks of HST seems like much.
Definitely try and push your 5RM's in the last 2-week segment of each cycle. My experience is that waiting 30-80seconds is not long enough when working heavy, I'd be pushing for 120-180s (2-3mins) genuine pauses between sets. Strength and size go hand in hand; it's almost (actually?) impossible to build one of them over time (months, years) without building the other. I also find that at the 5RM stage, you're better off focusing your workout structure on the big lifts and leaving bi's and tri's out (obviously increasing rest time from 30-80s to 120-180s means you're having a longer workout).
Another thing you can try that worked great for me when the weights got real heavy, like when even getting 5 reps/set was problematic was to switch to Max Stim, a form of heavy singles. It allows you to work with even heavier weights while managing fatigue in a way to let you get enough reps to give you enough time under tension to grow bigger as much as you grow stronger.