Should I keep bulking or not?


New Member
Hi everybody,

I've been training with HST principles for a good year now and made some great gains (Arms for example went from 14.2” to 16.3”). I was eating close to 5000 calories per day. Right now I weigh 207 lbs at 16% body fat (174 at 12% a year ago). The question now is if I should keep gaining weight or try to lose some fat and start a fresh bulk from 10% bf or so. Gaining weight that fast has led to some bad stretch marks especially on my legs. My goal is to do my first bodybuilding show in 2014.

So what should I do?

It's really up to you. I've bulked up to around the 20% mark and nothing really bad happened, just takes longer to cut down. You really have not gained that much fat considering the change in your bodyweight, you could probably get some more gains out of it before you stop. But if you are concerned about stretch marks or getting too fat, it might be better to cut down now.