shoulder seems lacking..?


New Member
In my HST workout, the only exercice im doing is seated shoulder press... for such a small muscle group, would it be bad to incorporate another exercice? such as military press or side cable raise..??
I've gotten my best results doing DB shoulder press, full range of motion.

Recently I've incorporated Military and BTN presses to give them a go and work with a greater load, but I'm still leaning to the DB press as my best. Benching also heaps the anterior delts. Upright rows if done properly are good for medial delts.
I gotta agree about the shrugs. I do military press and shrugs, sometimes alternating the military with arnold press, and my whole shoulder and trap area is growing very nicely.
I can agree with the trap work, something I'm at fault for not doing!

My shoulder workout normally alternates between:

w/o 1 - Military press
w/o 2 - superset incline d/b lateral raises and bent over laterla raises.

Shoulders not doing bad at all, yep will include the trap work to complete the "cage".

I don't quite like too big traps (eg: Lou Ferrigno or Brok Lesner), not the best look around.
well.. i thought i shouldnt workout more than 1 exercise for small muscle group (according to the FAQ)... thats why i played only with the db press... otherwise, i might add cable lat-raise... and i thought i should always stick with the same exercise through all my cycle.. :confused: lol i ve been used to get stamped "OVERANALYZER" so...

and about the shrugs.. im doing it but i feel like nothing burning... i dont have the feeling of doing it properly.. i take the weight, let them hang down, then perform a circle with my shoulders (backward circles).. is that ok?
Shrugs - yep, you're doing them right. Trying doing them with dumbells, you get a better range of motion.

Cable/DB raises won't throw much mass on your anterior (front) delts..and only marginal on the medial delts.

Go with the db/military press and shrugs, see how they go.