Skipped Days?


New Member
Here is my problem. I train 6x a week, using the Upper one day, Lower the next, method. I did my first workout of HST on Monday. Everything went fine. Then, I missed the next two days due to "unforseen circumstances". I figured Tuesday would be a break day, but then I missed today. Does this really screw up my HST Cycle? Or could I just do a full body routine, like combine the lower day and upper day into one workout?

Hopefully someone will be able to help me out. I figure that there seems to be so much science to HST, that even the slightest mixup could throw all my gains out the window.

Everybody misses workouts, especially those of us who workout 6 days per week. It's just a fact of life. Better late than never. Just continue on. If you try and catch up by combining workouts, you may do more harm than good.
I've found that in the long run, I missed workout here and there don't hurt your overall gains. However, the rule I usually follow, is that if I've missed more than three days in a row, then next time I workout, I will repeat the last workout I did, then start again from there. There is no basis for this, it just makes me feel better about it.
Well, looks like I may have guessed wrong. Not knowing exactly what to do, I combined two workouts into one this morning. I did Upper then followed it with Lower. Tomorrow, what should I do? I am really confused now, should I take a day off to let the muscles heal, or what?

I'd do the 3x a week thing, using full body, if I didn't mind changing my diet around. I like consistency, so not having those PreWO and PWO drinks would throw things off.
